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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin | Page 8 | Techkings
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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin

I telnet over suls to /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet

But its empty and no config.xml to add my line to?

Any ideas please.
This new iptv plugins is created what's happened to wooshbuild iptv adder so easy my provider says it must be plugins great
I'm having trouble adding a second supplier. works fine with one. I am putting it in the right place?

E2m3u2bouquet supplier config file
Add as many suppliers as required
this config file will be used and the relevant bouquets set up for all suppliers entered
0 = No/False
1 = Yes/True
For elements with <![CDATA[]] enter value between empty brackets e.g. <![CDATA[mypassword]]>
<name>SULS</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<username><![CDATA[myusername]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
<password><![CDATA[mypassword]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
<providerupdate><![CDATA[]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
<picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
I'm having trouble adding a second supplier. works fine with one. I am putting it in the right place?

E2m3u2bouquet supplier config file
Add as many suppliers as required
this config file will be used and the relevant bouquets set up for all suppliers entered
0 = No/False
1 = Yes/True
For elements with <![CDATA[]] enter value between empty brackets e.g. <![CDATA[mypassword]]>
<name>SULS</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<username><![CDATA[myusername]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
<password><![CDATA[mypassword]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
<providerupdate><![CDATA[]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
<picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
Thanks sorted
Hi, I’ll try again
Box: Vu+ Duo²
Firmware version: OpenViX 5.1.002 (2017-11-13)

I’m having trouble adding a second supplier. works fine with one supplier. Am I putting it in the right place?
I tried and got an error, no matter what i do, it always an error.

An error has been found!

Click on
to jump to the error. In the document, you can point at
with your mouse to see the error message.
Errors in the XML document:
49: 3 The element type "supplier" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</supplier>".

E2m3u2bouquet supplier config file
Add as many suppliers as required
this config file will be used and the relevant bouquets set up for all suppliers entered
0 = No/False
1 = Yes/True
For elements with <![CDATA[]] enter value between empty brackets e.g. <![CDATA[mypassword]]>
<name>SULS</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<username><![CDATA[myusername]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
<password><![CDATA[mypassword]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
<providerupdate><![CDATA[]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
<picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
<name>TVSAT</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
<enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
<m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
<epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
<username><![CDATA[myusername]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
<password><![CDATA[mypassword]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
<providerupdate><![CDATA[]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
<iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
<streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
<multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
<allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
<picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
<xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
<bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
<bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
<bouquettop>0</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
the matching end-tag "</supplier>".

So add that at the end of the first supplier ie

 E2m3u2bouquet supplier config file
 Add as many suppliers as required
 this config file will be used and the relevant bouquets set up for all suppliers entered
 0 = No/False
 1 = Yes/True
 For elements with <![CDATA[]] enter value between empty brackets e.g. <![CDATA[mypassword]]>
 <name>SULS</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
 <enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
 <m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
 <epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
 <username><![CDATA[uuuuu]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
 <password><![CDATA[ppppp]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
 <providerupdate><![CDATA[<fileid>/provider.txt?dl=1]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
 <iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
 <streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
 <streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
 <multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
 <allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
 <picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
 <xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
 <bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
 <bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
 <bouquettop>1</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
 <name>SULS2</name><!-- Supplier Name -->
 <enabled>1</enabled><!-- Enable or disable the supplier (0 or 1) -->
 <m3uurl><![CDATA[]]></m3uurl><!-- Extended M3U url -->
 <epgurl><![CDATA[]]></epgurl><!-- XMLTV EPG url -->
 <username><![CDATA[uuuuu]]></username><!-- (Optional) will replace USERNAME placeholder in urls -->
 <password><![CDATA[ppppp]]></password><!-- (Optional) will replace PASSWORD placeholder in urls -->
 <providerupdate><![CDATA[<fileid>/provider.txt?dl=1]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->
 <iptvtypes>0</iptvtypes><!-- Change all TV streams to IPTV type (0 or 1) -->
 <streamtypetv></streamtypetv><!-- (Optional) Custom TV stream type (e.g. 1, 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
 <streamtypevod></streamtypevod><!-- (Optional) Custom VOD stream type (e.g. 4097, 5001 or 5002 -->
 <multivod>0</multivod><!-- Split VOD into seperate categories (0 or 1) -->
 <allbouquet>0</allbouquet><!-- Create all channels bouquet (0 or 1) -->
 <picons>0</picons><!-- Automatically download Picons (0 or 1) -->
 <xcludesref>1</xcludesref><!-- Disable service ref overriding from override.xml file (0 or 1) -->
 <bouqueturl><![CDATA[]]></bouqueturl><!-- (Optional) url to download providers bouquet - to map custom service references -->
 <bouquetdownload>0</bouquetdownload><!-- Download providers bouquet (uses default url) must have username and password set above - to map custom service references -->
 <bouquettop>1</bouquettop><!-- Place IPTV bouquets at top (0 or 1) -->
Thank you so very much! No errors now. 2 days I have been on this, i feel so relieved, so thanks again.

I have put in my server lines,
The e2m3u2bouquet plugin has green ticks for suls & suls2 in providers. and I pressed run.

The epg importer downloaded 56,000 for suls2

However only suls is showing in bouquets and not suls2
rebooted box a cpl of times.

Do i need to press "reset Bouquets" in e2m3u2bouquet plugin
[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1525031394.1
[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1525031394.57
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> update
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> get_wake_time
[e2m3u2b] next wake up time Thu Jan 1 00:59:59 1970 (now=Sun Apr 29 20:49:54 2018)
[e2m3u2b] process_provider_update error unable to read providers update file
[e2m3u2b] process_provider_update error unable to read providers update file
Just tried the <m3uurl line in VLC and its working, takes about 15secs to load though.

Ah would it be this <providerupdate><![CDATA[<fileid>/provider.txt?dl=1]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->

I dont have dropbox or anything saved in it. and wouldn't it affect the suls line as well
Do you have this line to update providers?

<providerupdate><![CDATA[<fileid>/provider.txt?dl=1]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->

Try removing it so it's like this

<providerupdate><![CDATA[ ]]></providerupdate><!-- (Optional) Provider update url -->

Although 15 seconds is a long time so it might not be able to check the m3u in enough time. You could post on suls site to see if they have a wait time.
Seems better, no bouquet though, just on suls1

[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1525034754.37
[e2m3u2b] autostart 0 occured at 1525034754.84
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> update
[e2m3u2b] AutoStartTimer -> get_wake_time
[e2m3u2b] next wake up time Thu Jan 1 00:59:59 1970 (now=Sun Apr 29 21:45:54 2018)
[e2m3u2b] Starting backend script
[e2m3u2b] Finished backend script
[e2m3u2b] Starting backend script
[e2m3u2b] Finished backend script
Try with the one providers to see if it loads if not then probably a time issue, so maybe ask on suls site to see if they have any ideas
yep, good idea. I loaded the suls 2 on its own and it showed straight away in bouquets and suls 1 was still showing for now. So i have loaded the xml with both lines back on and see if it stays. I edited the bouquets in dreamset and got rid of all the foreign channells, so hoping it doesn't all change when it reboots
I have edited the bouquets in dreamset to get the layout i like. Is there anyway when i update the m3u through this to keep my layout and just update the list inside?
can someone please help me im trying to get epg on my zgemma h2s ive done everything the tutorial says but cant get nothing from e2m3ubouquets to epg-importer im getting error in e2m3u ...(e2m3u2b) manual_provider_callback Error(Errno socket error)(Errno -2) name or service not known
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