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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin | Page 19 | Techkings
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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin

Did you go to configure first or try uninstalling it and re install it
Thanks mate done I entered name iptv. I went through ftp to enter my line. I open etc/engima2/em2ubouquet. Configuration file to view and edit. I tried copy and then paste URL but I cliked mouse to paste andI could not see paste option in the box. Any help plz
Hey guys. Little help please. I follow these steps;
Tweaking the Bouquets and channels available

  • FTP to /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet
  • A new file will now be in that folder called providername-sort-current.xml where providername is the name you entered above when setting up providers section in the GUI.
  • Open that and change “true” to “false” you can hide bouquets or channels eg changing <category name=”Movies” nameOverride=”” idStart=”34300″ enabled=”true” /> to <category name=”Movies” nameOverride=”” idStart=”34300″ enabled=”false” /> it will hide the IPTV bouquet “Movies” bouquet from your provider.
  • Save the file as providername-sort-override.xml
  • FTP the file to /etc/enigma2/e2m3u2bouquet
  • Run the plugin again
Note: If your provider adds new bouquets they will automatically be added when you run the e2m3u2bouquet plugin again and you will need to perform the exact steps above again, this time the previously disabled bouquets and channels will still be disabled in providername-sort-current.xml

Works perfectly. Just every now and then it goes back to default and previously disabled bouquets reappear in the current and override so I have to edit the XML again.

Anyway around this?

only to have a short confirmation about this topic...
I have problems related to EPG import for IPTV stream . These problems can be solved changing the name of the channel with the attribute "nameOverride" .
i understood that is always possible to rename and use a file called " xxx-sort-override.xml" , but i didn't understand how to use this file .
Questions :
1) have i to put in this file (ovveride) only the changes ? all this file need to have all contents of the "current" file ?
2) every 6 hours the the plugin download the new list. how to prevent channel changed or added if the us the "old" ovverride file ?
2) any alternative method to have epg in the wrong channel name ? (a part to ask to the providers )

Thank you
Hi there,

I'm currently testing a provider and they've given me a link in the format htttp://PROVIDER/m3u/playlist?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD and an EPG link in the format http://PROVIDER/epg/p2.xml?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD

The Epg populates correctly, but I can't seem to use the M3U link - when I refresh it says "0 events imported" and every channel is blank. I've tried entering the provider manually through the providers menu and also pasting it into the xml file and transferring across, so I'm sure I have the details correct. Link is also working on an Nividia Shield, so it's definitely active.

Is the M3U link in the correct format for the boquet maker? If so, can anyone point me to a log file that I can look at to see what's going wrong?

Thanks :)
You probably need m3u_with options&output=ts on end havnt used suls for ages last time I used it sure it was m3u with options
You probably need m3u_with options&output=ts on end havnt used suls for ages last time I used it sure it was m3u with options

Thanks for that, I appreciate it. Will have a chat with provider.

On this note - is suls pretty much my only option if I want IPTV channels integrated into a bouquet, or have people moved on to a different plugin?
Thanks for that, I appreciate it. Will have a chat with provider.

On this note - is suls pretty much my only option if I want IPTV channels integrated into a bouquet, or have people moved on to a different plugin?
There's jedi which takes username password server url port number xtream editor depends on what providers supports really
Hi there,

I'm currently testing a provider and they've given me a link in the format htttp://PROVIDER/m3u/playlist?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD and an EPG link in the format http://PROVIDER/epg/p2.xml?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD

The Epg populates correctly, but I can't seem to use the M3U link - when I refresh it says "0 events imported" and every channel is blank. I've tried entering the provider manually through the providers menu and also pasting it into the xml file and transferring across, so I'm sure I have the details correct. Link is also working on an Nividia Shield, so it's definitely active.

Is the M3U link in the correct format for the boquet maker? If so, can anyone point me to a log file that I can look at to see what's going wrong?

Thanks :)
This is the format for Suls http://PROVIDER/get.php?username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD&type=m3u_plus&output=mpegts
Edit the example url with output option and try it in web browser to see if it downloads the m3u file. If it does then use that url in suls config
Creating bouquets use to take around 2 mins using this but now finishes literally finishes in 10 seconds. I know if it’s less than 2 minutes it hasn’t worked. Could the provider set something on their end to stop downloading of m3u and parse it for bouquets completion?

As a test I’ve also tried to download m3u via web browser and it seems like it gets to a certain points and restarts the download again.
Creating bouquets use to take around 2 mins using this but now finishes literally finishes in 10 seconds. I know if it’s less than 2 minutes it hasn’t worked. Could the provider set something on their end to stop downloading of m3u and parse it for bouquets completion?

As a test I’ve also tried to download m3u via web browser and it seems like it gets to a certain points and restarts the download again.
EPG is probably down at providers end it does happen. Had it with a few providers but usually comes back sometimes can take a few days you should just ask supplier if it is down or if they are having problems.
EPG is probably down at providers end it does happen. Had it with a few providers but usually comes back sometimes can take a few days you should just ask supplier if it is down or if they are having problems.

I've been looking into this today.

If the m3u has VOD it fails to download/parse on the app.

If the m3u doesn't include VOD it processes fine and creates the bouquets.

Can't understand why though?

Its now also fine when download both sets of m3u via the web browser.

EDIT : Used Jedi Maker as a test and that worked so seems to be e2m3u issue only
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proper weird one, i got a new IPTV provider, the m3u file is quite big. I managed to get it to work on my zgemma h2s after clearing cache using cache flush. For some reason on my zgemma h52tc it keeps freezing when parsing m3u, i tried clearing cache, uninstalling and installing, removing HDD and sd card. It still keeps freezing when the h2s. Both boxes are using 0.8.5,, will it be worth trying to downgrade toa previous version?
proper weird one, i got a new IPTV provider, the m3u file is quite big. I managed to get it to work on my zgemma h2s after clearing cache using cache flush. For some reason on my zgemma h52tc it keeps freezing when parsing m3u, i tried clearing cache, uninstalling and installing, removing HDD and sd card. It still keeps freezing when the h2s. Both boxes are using 0.8.5,, will it be worth trying to downgrade toa previous version?
Use jedimaker instead
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