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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin | Page 14 | Techkings
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Suls e2m3u2bouquet 0.6 IPTV Bouquet MakerMaker plugin

Depending what version you’ve installed as long as you’ve put all your details in correct run is the same as create bouquets
So I'm still having a little trouble and I think its connected to the override file. As far as I know I'm not using one I have the setting "Override service refs" to disable. Is that correct?

For some reason when I check the folder on the box an empty override file is being generated at 4am and I think it is screwing with the setting. I have to manually delete the file on the box before the plugin wlll run and load channels. Once it runs and I update epg everything works fine again until this override file reappears!

Are there any other settings that could be causing this?

So I'm still having a little trouble and I think its connected to the override file. As far as I know I'm not using one I have the setting "Override service refs" to disable. Is that correct?

For some reason when I check the folder on the box an empty override file is being generated at 4am and I think it is screwing with the setting. I have to manually delete the file on the box before the plugin wlll run and load channels. Once it runs and I update epg everything works fine again until this override file reappears!

Are there any other settings that could be causing this?


Who setup the plugin? If you originally had a script from provider they could have added a script to download the override file. Maybe reflash latest OpenATV or vix image or use a build and don't restore settings and setup from scratch see how that goes.
So I'm still having a little trouble and I think its connected to the override file. As far as I know I'm not using one I have the setting "Override service refs" to disable. Is that correct?

For some reason when I check the folder on the box an empty override file is being generated at 4am and I think it is screwing with the setting. I have to manually delete the file on the box before the plugin wlll run and load channels. Once it runs and I update epg everything works fine again until this override file reappears!

Are there any other settings that could be causing this?


You could try renaming the provider so that it's not trying to use the override file that's getting generated
Thanks for the suggestions.

Didn't use a script to set up the plugin I just manually added the details, although there is an option to generate one from my provider. I didn't want to use it as I'd read they are difficult to remove if you want to change provider. Having a look at what the script generator does it just appears to install the plugin and an updated config file (as far as I can tell). I've checked that config file to make sure it matches what I have in mine in terms of settings and it does.

I'll try renaming my provider first and then a fresh install if all else fails.
Right I’ve got my epg working and it’s been working now for about 3 days I’ve had to download a config.xml file from my provider
Edit it putting in my username and passwords for m3u and epg
Then ftp to my box etc/enigma2/e2m3ubouquet maker
Then replace the original config.xml file with the edited 1 then go back on bouquet maker put my username and password in again and works no problem I’ve done 3 boxes now and all ok
Thought I'd update this just in case it helps someone else.

Renaming the provider worked, but the mystery override file was still being created every night at 4am. So I read about cron jobs and ran the crontab command in terminal and low and behold there was a cron job set to run at 4am with my providers name. i.e.

0 04 * * * cd /home/providername/ && ./

which after more googling i disabled by adding the character # to the start.

No more override file.
I’ve sorted my epg I’m sure there’s a problem with bouquet maker I downloaded a new config.xml file off my provider and edited it by putting my username and password then ftp it to my box all sorted
There's no option to disable the override file. The 'Override service refs' option only stops it using the service refs in the override file and is set to disabled by default anyway
As per my previous post the 'Override service refs' option only stops it using the service refs in the override file it will still attempt to process the other override settings. There is no option to disable the override file.
All's good.

@Wellinever issue was that his provider had installed a script that ran everyday @4am and was creating an empty override file. That screwed up the plugin however I believe that v0.8 checks for this ;)
Ok mate thanks for the info
You seem to know what your talking about hope he gets it sorted
Sure he will with all the help from here
I have a Enigma2 box with suls e2m3ubouqetemaker 0.6.3 I want to delete this plugin so i can install the new 0.81 but i dont know how to delete the old version.
i am used to putty but i just dont know the command. I hope someone can guide me in the right direction.
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