hi, I'm very new to this!! do I just download this to a usb stick and power of box ,then restart with usb inserted? thanks
No mate. You have to use FileZilla to put the files into the directory on the box. I'm new to this as well, so struggling.
hi, I'm very new to this!! do I just download this to a usb stick and power of box ,then restart with usb inserted? thanks
I'm doing somethingwrong here. I keep re-reading the instructions, but am now at a loss beentrying this for hours. I think I'm missing the first stage. Download the attached ipk file andftp it to /tmp of your receiver . I cannot find this ipk file??
Ihave Download and Extract the attached SkyQ Preview.rar and Downloadand Extract the attached Picons.rar file to /media/hdd/SkyQ/picon and /media/hdd/piconrespectively.
PLEASE HELP this isdoing my head in.:beg:
can anyone tell me how to get the info bar to look like this with the channel picon in the pip box i have the picon in the right above the time bit want rid of the sky q logo in every channel i change to ?
Hi mate.... its possible ? because i dont find other versions with different channel listCHABS its possible put on first post all versin (3 ?) of your skin, with different channel list etc ?
looks cool is this the latest version?
Getting the channel numbers on the epg has to be through E2 Auto but with that you wont get the preview pngs as the channel names will change to start with channel numbers.
The Preview pngs work exactly as Service Name Picons, they call into the channel name as it is.
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