TK Veteran
1st make sure u select a different skin in the skin settings then restart E2 when prompted.I will upload another version with the old format channel selection...was meant to do it today but something else came.first of all these skins are fantastic, been a big fan of Chabs work for a long time, i was wondering the Q skin use to have a different channel selection when you pressed the down button, can i use files from a previous version to get this back as i preferred that style, thanks
I will upload it tomorrow for you guys. Sorry for the delay and thanks for your patience...
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Perfect mate, quick question though, can you tell me how to correctly uninstall the current version, because when I tried before everything messed up and I ended up reflashing my box lol
Easy way is to telnet remove the skin
But manually you can
Delete SkyQ folder in usr/share/enigma2
Delete Sky Converters & Renderers in usr/lib/enigma2/python/components/renderer and /converters
Delete all Sky converters and renderers both .py and .pyo
As well as and .pyo
Restart E2
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