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skyQ Skin V3.000 (New Layout) | Page 9 | Techkings
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skyQ Skin V3.000 (New Layout)

Is that the intended way for it to work?? Surely it is pretty basic functionality to be able to go back from the channel list to the bouquet list? I presumed it was just me being stupid!? Can anyone else using this skin confirm if they have the same issue?
Blue button is "next 24 hours" on the EPG.

Sorry, I assumed you were in the channel selection epg rather than the graphical epg.
What does long pressing the 'EPG' button do? There should be a list of options.
I can't remember if 'show favourites list' is in there.
Hi, my EPG doesn't look anything like this despite installing the skin - it's all grey and greens a bit like the original Freesat EPG. Any suggestions on how I can make it look like your SkyQ one?
Good Morning,

I hope you all keeping safe with whatever if going on across the globe. Stay Home and Save Lives...

The skin has been updated and uploaded on the server, whoever uses WooshBuild Infinity will find it on the skins options and whoever uses the skin can update it from Chabs Skins Plugin...

Nothing much has changed, just sorted the changed screens on the new OpenATV including the Virtual Keyboard Screen and Flash Online. Changed few graphics to make it clean and clean a few codes.

Mostly I changed the Toppicks screens thanks to @wooshman and also included an option for an Alternative Toppicks Channel Selection Screen.


New Menu Screen:


New Bouquets Selection Screen:


Default Channel Selection Screen:


Toppicks Channel Selection Screen:


Sorry guys if this has already been answered but on the info bar how do i remove the pic in the info description

(Zgemma h2h 6.3 skyq skin)


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You need to have the skyQ picons for it 2 display the large picon.
chabs can you help I have vu duo2 running latest openvix and skyq skin the vpd screen only shows three question marks all the time but if I change skins I scrolls and works fine. the main screen on the left works fine all the time.
chabs can you help I have vu duo2 running latest openvix and skyq skin the vpd screen only shows three question marks all the time but if I change skins I scrolls and works fine. the main screen on the left works fine all the time.
Its the Same on mine aswell
Not sure what you mean
On version 2.005 when you shut the box down you'd get a black screen with a big Q if you know what i mean. Just wondering if anyone has that picture at hand so i could make it my bootscreen on the new skin
good evening chubs
I use your screen and I really like it
image atv 6.4, zgemma h9s
there are two questions how to overcome these problems in the photo?


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