Superb job mate but will virtualzap work on this? Also anyway u can make the epg have a mod so we can have the bouquets kn the side? Thanks a bunch
Mate thats not even the same screen the left screen is the ‘epg’ the right one is ‘channel selection’ so go to epg and then press menu and the enable ‘show bouqet on launch’Hi chabbs my skin missing on the tv guide
kyQ Preview Channel Picons:
Download and Extract the attached skyQ Preview.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
SkyQ Preview
Create a folder name skyQ either in your media/usb or media/hdd or /hdd or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ location of your reciever
Copy the downloaded folder named picon to media/hdd or /hdd or media/usb or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ
Download and Extract the attached Picons.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
Copy the folder named picon to /hdd or /usb or /root of your receiver
You extract the picon rar and transfer the picon folder to media/hdd, then You extract the skyQ preview folder which will have picons inside.Ok, sorry if this is dumb or i am missing something here.... but it tells me above to create a folder called skyQ in media/HDD but then it never tells me to extract anything to it?
I end up transferring both Picon folders to the same /hdd location?
Finally, cant someone confirm exactly what the above two downloads give me? I assume they remove the big SkyQ logo from my infobar? If so do i need to restart GUI?
View attachment 37643
Download the attached rar file
Extract the ipk in the downloaded rar file and ftp the extracted ipk file to /tmp of your reciever
Telnet command
opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Menu... setup... software management... install local extension
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box.
Menu > setup > VIX > Iplkg install
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box
Once it has installed you need to set it as your skin.
Menu... setup... Usage & GUI... skin setup.
Restart GUI
Menu...setup...System...user interface...skin setup.
Restart GUI
skyQ Preview Channel Picons:
Download and Extract the attached skyQ Preview.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
SkyQ Preview
Create a folder name skyQ either in your media/usb or media/hdd or /hdd or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ location of your reciever
Copy the downloaded folder named picon to media/hdd or /hdd or media/usb or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ
Download and Extract the attached Picons.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
Copy the folder named picon to /hdd or /usb or /root of your receiver
Channel Selection:
View attachment 37644
Graphical EPG:
View attachment 37645
Bouquet Selection:
View attachment 37646
View attachment 37647
Movie Selection:
View attachment 37648
Plugin Browser:
View attachment 37649
View attachment 37650
View attachment 37651
The Skin is Based on Open Pli but it should work well with most other images. I can confirm it also works well with Open ATV.
The Lovely Top Picks has been with the help of @wooshman for his talent and time. So all the credits goes to him for all that.
Feel free to try it on other images (please back up your image first before installation). Do post here if it works well with other images.
Enjoy & Please don't forget feed backs.
Channel Selection Screen Settings:
skyQ Skin Default
Set Number of Rows to: 12
skyQ Skin Toppicks
Set Number of Rows to:12
Show Event Progress Bar set to: No
Show Channel numbers: Yes
Column Width: 200px
Sorry Guys...cant seem to be able to upload the .rar file as it says it too big to process, so in the mean time, you can just download the ipk file direct from my dropbox link.
Dropbox link:
View attachment 37643
Download the attached rar file
Extract the ipk in the downloaded rar file and ftp the extracted ipk file to /tmp of your reciever
Telnet command
opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk
Menu... setup... software management... install local extension
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box.
Menu > setup > VIX > Iplkg install
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box
Once it has installed you need to set it as your skin.
Menu... setup... Usage & GUI... skin setup.
Restart GUI
Menu...setup...System...user interface...skin setup.
Restart GUI
skyQ Preview Channel Picons:
Download and Extract the attached skyQ Preview.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
SkyQ Preview
Create a folder name skyQ either in your media/usb or media/hdd or /hdd or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ location of your reciever
Copy the downloaded folder named picon to media/hdd or /hdd or media/usb or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ
Download and Extract the attached Picons.rar file (click on the dropbox link)
Copy the folder named picon to /hdd or /usb or /root of your receiver
Channel Selection:
View attachment 37644
Graphical EPG:
View attachment 37645
Bouquet Selection:
View attachment 37646
View attachment 37647
Movie Selection:
View attachment 37648
Plugin Browser:
View attachment 37649
View attachment 37650
View attachment 37651
The Skin is Based on Open Pli but it should work well with most other images. I can confirm it also works well with Open ATV.
The Lovely Top Picks has been with the help of @wooshman for his talent and time. So all the credits goes to him for all that.
Feel free to try it on other images (please back up your image first before installation). Do post here if it works well with other images.
Enjoy & Please don't forget feed backs.
Channel Selection Screen Settings:
skyQ Skin Default
Set Number of Rows to: 12
skyQ Skin Toppicks
Set Number of Rows to:12
Show Event Progress Bar set to: No
Show Channel numbers: Yes
Column Width: 200px
Sorry Guys...cant seem to be able to upload the .rar file as it says it too big to process, so in the mean time, you can just download the ipk file direct from my dropbox link.
Dropbox link:
@Chabs is this for a new release due ? some time ago i noticed a problem using with open atv 6.3 with certain menus for example blue button/flash online local i just get a blank screen
@Chabs is this for a new release due ? some time ago i noticed a problem using with open atv 6.3 with certain menus for example blue button/flash online local i just get a blank screen
also when i go into apps/chabs skins i just get a crash log
it has been like this for some time just not got around to asking about it
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