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skyQ Skin V3.000 (New Layout) | Page 12 | Techkings
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skyQ Skin V3.000 (New Layout)

Just set up H7S - wanted to add Sky Q skin - went to plug-ins and downloaded but still doesn’t show in in Switch skins - seems to have an error loading - any help greatly appreciated
Just set up H7S - wanted to add Sky Q skin - went to plug-ins and downloaded but still doesn’t show in in Switch skins - seems to have an error loading - any help greatly appreciated
If using wooshbuild infinity go into wb configuration and change skin that way
Just set up H7S - wanted to add Sky Q skin - went to plug-ins and downloaded but still doesn’t show in in Switch skins - seems to have an error loading - any help greatly appreciated
The updated SkyQ Version 3.500 skin plugin replaced Version 3.000, and it works great on Zgemma boxes running OpenATV 6.4 & WooshBuild Infinity. After downloading SkyQ V3.500 in Plugins just press BLUE on remote, select System, then select Skin Settings, skyQ, to install new skin and to restart box.
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Chabs, this is grat many thanks. I have just upgraded to a Zgemma H9.2S and installed this skin. There are two issues if anyone would be so kind as to help. When in the graphocal EPG and you scroll down the channels the current channel is not highlighted. Also I am unable to add a channel to the favourites boquet which would normally done by pressing meny and add channel to boquet. How is this now done in the new skin? Thank you in advance
Chabs. Installed great via whooshbuild infinity. I have one comment though which is the highlighted element of the channel/timlene is the same colour as the background which make it impossible to see. Is there a solution please. Many thanks in advance


  • Graphical EPG.jpg
    Graphical EPG.jpg
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Chabs, this is grat many thanks. I have just upgraded to a Zgemma H9.2S and installed this skin. There are two issues if anyone would be so kind as to help. When in the graphocal EPG and you scroll down the channels the current channel is not highlighted. Also I am unable to add a channel to the favourites boquet which would normally done by pressing meny and add channel to boquet. How is this now done in the new skin? Thank you in advance
SkyQ Version 3.500 in OpenATV 6.4 & WB Infinity Plugins has replaced V 3.00 and in V/3.500 there is a white line above current channel to highlight it. Also in Version 3.500 just highlight a channel in the bouquet, press MENU, press 5 to add, then on left side of screen scroll to Favourites (TV) and press OK. Then open Favourites (TV) bouquet and the added channel will be at the bottom. To move it press MENU, press 6 Enable move mode, press OK to select channel, press Arrow key to move, and press OK to stop. Then press EXIT to leave move mode.
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Installed this skin but the EPG skin is still the default OpenATV. I have tried reinstalling the ipk but nothing seems to work? Using Zgemma Star 2S
Hi, loving the skin, just wondering how to get around a little issue... take SSFootball.... from my IPTV provider I get 3 versions FHD, HD, SD... the SlyQ bigger picon only shows on the HD variant. how do I get it to show on the other two?

Hi, loving the skin, just wondering how to get around a little issue... take SSFootball.... from my IPTV provider I get 3 versions FHD, HD, SD... the SlyQ bigger picon only shows on the HD variant. how do I get it to show on the other two?


Copy the picon file for the channel and rename it with small letters and no space exactly as the channel name u want it to display... like skysportsnewsfhd.png
Hello everyone,
I've recently connected up the old H.2s and installed this skin.
For some reason I cant get the picons to show up. I've followed all the steps on here, but no luck.
At first I just had the Large SkyQ Logo, then I updated to the latest version and now I have this same image on every channel.
The EPG has no picons at all.
I'd be grateful if anyone could explain why this might be happening?
Thanks in advance!


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View attachment 37643

Download the attached rar file

Extract the ipk in the downloaded rar file and ftp the extracted ipk file to /tmp of your reciever


Telnet command

opkg update && opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/*.ipk


Menu... setup... software management... install local extension
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box.


Menu > setup > VIX > Iplkg install
Press ok on the package
press green to install
Reboot Your Box

Once it has installed you need to set it as your skin.


Menu... setup... Usage & GUI... skin setup.
Restart GUI


Menu...setup...System...user setup.
Restart GUI

skyQ Preview Channel Picons:

Download and Extract the attached skyQ Preview.rar file (click on the dropbox link)

SkyQ Preview

Create a folder name skyQ either in your media/usb or media/hdd or /hdd or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ location of your reciever

Copy the downloaded folder named picon to media/hdd or /hdd or media/usb or usr/share/enigma2/skyQ


Download and Extract the attached Picons.rar file (click on the dropbox link)


Copy the folder named picon to /hdd or /usb or /root of your receiver

Channel Selection:

View attachment 37644

Graphical EPG:

View attachment 37645

Bouquet Selection:

View attachment 37646


View attachment 37647

Movie Selection:

View attachment 37648

Plugin Browser:

View attachment 37649


View attachment 37650


View attachment 37651

The Skin is Based on Open Pli but it should work well with most other images. I can confirm it also works well with Open ATV.

The Lovely Top Picks has been with the help of @wooshman for his talent and time. So all the credits goes to him for all that.

Feel free to try it on other images (please back up your image first before installation). Do post here if it works well with other images.

Enjoy & Please don't forget feed backs.


Channel Selection Screen Settings:

skyQ Skin Default

Set Number of Rows to: 12

skyQ Skin Toppicks

Set Number of Rows to:12
Show Event Progress Bar set to: No
Show Channel numbers: Yes
Column Width: 200px


Sorry Guys...cant seem to be able to upload the .rar file as it says it too big to process, so in the mean time, you can just download the ipk file direct from my dropbox link.

Dropbox link:


Hi mate im sure you helped me in the past i recently purchased a amiko a6 combo box to break away from the iptv so i now have freeview and saorview combined which i enjoy but the black guide is very weary is there any way of up upgrading the skin,,i appoligise if i have posted incorrectly please advise were to post,,cheers John
Good morning.
Congratulations on making the skin. Wonderful.
An information,
Is it also manageable with Italian language?
I would like to use it on my zgemma H5 with Open ATV 6.1.

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