I don't have access to my box at the moment to try it for myself but i would guess removing this line should stop the blinkingCode:
<widget alphatest="blend" render="Pixmap" pixmap="skyNEW/icons/REC.png" position="600,619" size="30,30" source="session.RecordState" zPosition="3">
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide">Blink</convert>
But I have no idea what it needs editing to be to stop it flashing, sorry.
<convert type="ConditionalShowHide">Blink</convert>
I'm assuming the code is in the skin.xml located at /usr/share/enigma2/SKYWB/
Any update from Chabs on a new version of this skin? Still afew bugs
Oh that's fair enough, good on him :)Any update from Chabs on a new version of this skin? Still afew bugs
Chabs is on holiday at the moment getting himself a tan with family. I don't think he has access to his stuff until his return.
I've just tested the edited skin.xml a few posts above & it seems to have stopped the recording icon from flashing.Is there any way to stop the recording symbol flashing or is that not a skin function? It's turned off in settings but it still keeps winking at me. lol
Is this on wooshbuild set up
It's the standard skin now installed on wooshbuild V5.03 but our own version called SKYWB V1.005
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