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Broadband Retentions leaving Virgin question - Price increase

Well im shocked.

I was on 200mb Broadband @ £34.99 a month my 18 months deal had just ran out and they put the price up to £44.99 i was fuming. I also had a basic Virgin mobile contract sim at £10 a month. So total to them month would of been £54.99 for broadband and mobile.

Rang this morning and told them no way was i paying £44.99 with the cost of living at the moment and wanted to know could they do better on the Broadband. They offered £39.99 a month. Asked then to cancel it as new customers were getting 200mb at £31.99 and i would get a family member to sign up as a new customer. Was told i couldn't do that to which i replied i can and i will please accept this phone call as me giving you my 1 month notice of cancelation.

Conversation went back and forth for 5 mins with a couple of offers but the last offer i went with.

Had to switch from Virgin mobile to O2 with Volt to do this.

O2 Mobile same text mins and data. £10 a month
Virgin 200 mb Broadband boosted by Volt to 350mb £24.99 a month.

18 month contracts.

Total of £34.99 a month.

Saving £20 a month.

Very Happy
Thats a stonker of a deal mate.

Excellent what you got and mine is ending in few months so hope can get something similiar.

Will say the Virgin/o2 partnership has been very beneficial for customers with more benefits available.

Its a poor sim though mate only 10 gig data
With O2 plans/tariifs atm you could upgrade mate as your on o2 now.

So you could get 40gb data with volt for £8 currently.

They did have 60gb with volt previously for £10 but think they took that deal down.
Ok guys Retention team rang today and offered me 100mbs for £22 im paying £23.50 till end of contract so i said no came back with 100mbs for £19 18 months and accepted Tried for more but said i could have 200mbs for £25 i declined .
Ok guys Retention team rang today and offered me 100mbs for £22 im paying £23.50 till end of contract so i said no came back with 100mbs for £19 18 months and accepted Tried for more but said i could have 200mbs for £25 i declined .
Are you on volt package if not, you could have got 350mbps for £25 which would br good
Hi channelking , Would i go through virgin or O2 to get the cheap sim?
You would go through o2 but to get the sim some have gone through comparison sites others direct on the O2 app.

For myself I had got the sim originally through uSwitch then upgraded recently the tariff with volt to 40gb via the O2 app but that is only for existing customers I believe.

Below is deal for £8 for 15gb when volt applied becomes 30gb for new customers.

Think 5gb with volt 10gb for £6 is avaliable also.
Hi m8 , Ive looked at the 5Gb for £6 but cant see where it gives me Virgin 200mbs , Is this added if i buy the sim ?
Still active the 15gb deal for £8. If you found the 5gb for £6 volt benefits would still apply.

O2 Sim only, 15GB 5G data(30GB with Virgin Broadband), Unlimited min/text and 3 months Disney+ Or Prime £8pm for 12m £96 @ O2/MSM - hotukdeals

On the page it should mention something about volt benefits if not then will be after you completed checkout I believe.

You then just contact o2 when you receive the sim. Live chat via o2 app is better imo. Say you want volt benefits added. They will ask you for details to do with your virgin accounts and then you should have you broadband speed boosted and get double data also. Usually volt benefits are added within 14 days sometimes much earlier. That's how it worked for me anyway.
Update guys , I got the o2 sim only £6 and 4gb not a big user on internet on phone so thats fine , Awaiting now to boost everything on my Virgin .
I've just switched to Lebara for sim only mobile phone.
Uses the Vodaphone network 3Gb 4G & 5G data, unlimited UK calls and texts and 100 international minutes.
£4.90 per month on a month by month contract.

For the purpose of this thread it has to be an 02 sim. As o2 and Virgin have merged, if you have an 02 contract, Virgin will double your broadband speed as part of the 'volt' package.
For the purpose of this thread it has to be an 02 sim. As o2 and Virgin have merged, if you have an 02 contract, Virgin will double your broadband speed as part of the 'volt' package.
Digression, according to Cicero, had been put by Hermagoras . . . in the speech, between the refutation and the conclusion. It might involve praise or blame of individuals, comparison with other cases, or something that emphasized or amplified the subject at hand. Thus it is not literally a digression. Cicero criticizes the requirement as a formal rule and says such treatment should be interwoven into the argument. Ironically, ethical digressions of the sort here described are very characteristic of his greatest speeches.

Not sure I agree with Cicero on this, discuss
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