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Recover Dead Skybox Flash Using Serial RS232 Null modem Cable

Skybox f5 hd prv cccam problem

I recovered my skybox f5 hd feom error e100 now its not saving any cccam or any thing can any body help me in this
Thanks in advance
Hi dumbguy,how do I run config.bat file? Thanks in advance

config.bat should be found in the same folder as your loader program. just click on it with your mouse then run the loader with the skybox turned off until the program says it is trying to synchronize, at that point power up the skybox.
Hi guys,i give up,all im getting is stb memory error now,i think its going in the bin,ARGHHHHHHHHH!

Info is already in the post please try reading back instead of asking same question over and over again it gets boring answering it over and over again. We like a new challenge. Check post #23 and onwards also post #52 by maself a think that's them anyway.

Sent from my HTC One X+ using Tapatalk 2
Having same trouble as most. Using Lap top with ME installed because no serial port on my computer, so bought a converter to use on the computer with no luck at all. On the Lap Top with just the rs 232 cable I get past Synchronizing STBs then is comes up with serial port is failed. So not sure if it mite be the cable not Handshaking. Also the files there are 2 in the download and both say wrong file, eromclient.abs and eromclient_M3606.abs but my best result was with a file SKY_f3s_3601HD_CMT_1307040584.Abs, after about 10-15 minutes it said serial port is failed. Any suggestions welcome.

Thanks for looking.

you might like to try a serial port pci or pci-e adaptor card for your desktop computer. These are available from ebay for a couple of quid. Also if you have a meter, check the wiring on the the cable is as described at the beginning of this thread
can i use a rs232 to usb adapter to connect to my desktop or laptop, without any issues?
i dont have a rs232 port on any of my laptops or Desktop
can i use a rs232 to usb adapter to connect to my desktop or laptop, without any issues?
i dont have a rs232 port on any of my laptops or Desktop

I don't think anyone can guarantee that you won't have issues using a USB to RS232 serial adapter.

Some have had success, but many have not, so it seems like pot luck as to whether it will work for you or not.
Recover Dead Skybox with converter

Hi Piratone

I used a converter cost £14.99 with no luck. My Son helped me last night with a rs232 cable connected to an old Lap Top. It worked this time. The only thing he did different was to do a Data Dump instead of an upgrade. After the progress window was finished we changed back to upgrade and put a abs. file in, it took a little time to do all but it worked. I now have to install cline to unscramble some channels. I need now to know how to load the cline. Good luck.
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