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Protests not televised

Like vaccines for instance?🤣
I didn't pay for mine, I don't think any of the other six billion paid.

Most of that six billion are still alive, which is pissing you and your tinfoil hat brigade right off, we should have all died long before now
For the second and final time, they’ll rent it out to you instead.

They'll rent me a holiday abroad?
If I want to go fishing or playing golf I have to rent rods or clubs?
If I make my own will the billionaires all be upset?
The only thing I find confusing is you.
Surely not the only thing, what about all those billions of idiots who got jabbed and stubbornly continued to live, don't these confuse you?
Yep remove the plebs and the billionaires will all get richer.
And they'll all be able to eat dead millionaires for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a few years until eventually they discover money isn't edible.
Then they starve to death.
It's a wonder they didn't think of this earlier.

The masses have always provided the food and work.
They always will, they don't need to rent anything from a billionaire to catch fish and grow food.
They don't need permission from a billionaire to supply that food to other people like themselves.

Nothing is going to change, people will buy houses, travel abroad on holiday, buy cars, basically do everything they do now.

But you can feel free to live as Walter Mitty if it makes you feel better, you can even gallop around the internet on your imaginary magnificent steed trying to save the masses with your warnings but I doubt you'll get the damsel in distress despite how much you try, in short, you're flogging a dead horse mate.

Yea. Sorry bro. You're displaying a high level of cluelessness here.
You've over estimated how many of these lunatics wander our planet.
It's a handful of families.

Basically known as the 1%
one percent

How many serfs would they need to serve them? Not 9 billion. What was Gates predicting at Ted Talks? A 25% reduction he felt was good. Using healthcare and vaccines.. etc etc.
I"ll supply a link.

But i totally agree with the middle part of your post. The little people don't actually need that 1% we can fish, farm and filter our own water supplies.
Unless of course it's not in line with carbon emissions. Or the net zero agenda. They might fly a gentleman out to your self sufficient homestead. to declare your farm and fishing rod are over your new personal net zero emissions allowance.

But in retort. You feel free to fly around the internet with your air of superiority.
Whilst not actually offering any reasoned debate.

We are all being had. £2 a litre, dropping back to the heady heights of £1.80 when a barrel of oil cost hasn't moved...FFS
What's the idea behind the cost of living crisis? What is the cost of living crisis.
Why are mortgage rates suddenly spiralling with no apparent explanation form the banks.

What actually is the cost of living crisis?

Make people poor and control them more easily.

Brilliant. And people will go along with it. Because they're programmed in education camps (state schools) to accept it from a very young age.

It's classic.

I'm not responding to any post that contains a bloomin "fact" checker :laughing:
sorry pupu but cmon... they're basically the centers of misinformation. Probably part of the TNI or at best funded by the Gates foundation. Madness that people still buy into fact checks.

Bill the vaccine man
Oh and fact checks say he didn't say what he actually says. So yea. go trust those. lol

I didn't pay for mine, I don't think any of the other six billion paid.
Oh, you think they were free. Along with all of those tests..

Tell us. Who paid for the vaccines, and the tests, and the furlough and the rest of the pandemic.
And sit in wonder as you realise. It's actually you. Your family, and your children. Me, my family and my children. Oh and every other working man and woman pays for it, along with their children.
It was never free.
Thats's why Rothschild patented the tests. To get paid for them.

You should try for President, the other one like you just failed miserably
Presidents stand in front of the people to promote division. Red/blue Republican, Democrat. Tory, Labour. They all serve the same puppet masters. That's why nothing ever changes no matter the colour of rosette.
I'd rather we stood together and pointed our glare towards those who take the money we're forced to give them, and divide it between themselves, and who lie to us. All of us.

Tough ask.
Most of that six billion are still alive, which is pissing you and your tinfoil hat brigade right off, we should have all died long before now
You’re just making shit up as you go along, who said you should all be dead by now? What’s going on in that head of yours?

But why is it that according to the ONS data, the vaccinated are dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated and account for more than 90% of the current excess deaths? Go look it up, think of it as a homework assignment.
They'll rent me a holiday abroad?
If I want to go fishing or playing golf I have to rent rods or clubs?
If I make my own will the billionaires all be upset?
You won’t be going on holiday, but you will be renting those golf clubs, and you’ll have nothing to put in your will as you’ll own nothing and have no savings.
You’re just making shit up as you go along, who said you should all be dead by now? What’s going on in that head of yours?

But why is it that according to the ONS data, the vaccinated are dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated and account for more than 90% of the current excess deaths? Go look it up, think of it as a homework assignment.

You won’t be going on holiday, but you will be renting those golf clubs, and you’ll have nothing to put in your will as you’ll own nothing and have no savings.
Is there something wrong with you?
The vaccinated are dying faster than the unvaccinated?
Do you even realise how ridiculous that sounds to normal people?

If there's a million people on an island and 90% of them are white and 10% of them aboriginal...all deaths of any reason for the next sixty years are going to be 90/10 white/aboriginal.

If you have a second island with a million people and 100% are white and 90% are vaccinated and the rest aren't, 90% of the deaths are going to be vaccinated

Is this too hard to understand?

You probably think the first island has some disease that is killing white people more than aboriginal when in reality it makes no difference what colour you are or whether you've had a vaccine or not.

But I doubt you read any of that because it involves free thinking and it wasn't on Facebook
Is there something wrong with you?
The vaccinated are dying faster than the unvaccinated?
Do you even realise how ridiculous that sounds to normal people?

If there's a million people on an island and 90% of them are white and 10% of them aboriginal...all deaths of any reason for the next sixty years are going to be 90/10 white/aboriginal.

If you have a second island with a million people and 100% are white and 90% are vaccinated and the rest aren't, 90% of the deaths are going to be vaccinated

Is this too hard to understand?

You probably think the first island has some disease that is killing white people more than aboriginal when in reality it makes no difference what colour you are or whether you've had a vaccine or not.

But I doubt you read any of that because it involves free thinking and it wasn't on Facebook
@pabloescaban I would really give up now, doesn't matter what you say, those with the tin foil hats just can't take it all in. But saying that, if they are right and us plebs will all end up with no money, they won't be able to afford the foil to make new hats and then they may realise that actually it was all a fantasy in their heads
If you have a second island with a million people and 100% are white and 90% are vaccinated and the rest aren't, 90% of the deaths are going to be vaccinated
Firstly, I need to correct myself. While I was correct in saying the death rate for all cause deaths is higher among the vaccinated (in all age groups), the 90% figure I gave, only relates to Covid deaths.

Do you understand the difference between death rates and death numbers?

Death rates are the number of deaths per 100,000 people, so it doesn’t matter what the ratio between the two groups are, the death rate should be near enough equal or maybe higher in the unvaccinated, assuming the vaccines are effective.

I can’t think of an easier way to explain it to you, I feel like I’m talking to a child.

And FYI, only 50% of the population are triple or quadruple jabbed.

So to simplify, that 50% account for 90% of Covid deaths.

Now go to you room!
Yes, you've been spoonfed a load of erroneous figures

I'll edit this post.

Your claim that 90% of deaths are of vaccinated people.
It doesn't matter whether they've had 1,2,3 or 5 doses, they're vaccinated.

Which accounts for almost the entire population.

What you should be concerned about is the fact that 10% of the deaths are people who have never had a shot.

Given that these are a tiny percentage of the entire population and 1 in 10 deaths are unvaccinated.

Does that not concern you?

It should
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Yes, you've been spoonfed a load of erroneous figures

I'll edit this post.

Your claim that 90% of deaths are of vaccinated people.
It doesn't matter whether they've had 1,2,3 or 5 doses, they're vaccinated.

Which accounts for almost the entire population.

What you should be concerned about is the fact that 10% of the deaths are people who have never had a shot.

Given that these are a tiny percentage of the entire population and 1 in 10 deaths are unvaccinated.

Does that not concern you?

It should
It’s those with 3 or 4 jabs who account for the majority of deaths, the double jabbed aren’t experiencing high death rates, probably because they already copped it last year.

But even by your twisted logic, if we include everyone who’s ever had a jab in that 90% figure, then the jabbed would still be 4 times more likely to die from Con-vid.

To be honest, you lost my attention when you stated that the jabs were free, it’s pointless even trying to argue with stupid.

It’s those with 3 or 4 jabs who account for the majority of deaths, the double jabbed aren’t experiencing high death rates, probably because they already copped it last year.

But even by your twisted logic, if we include everyone who’s ever had a jab in that 90% figure, then the jabbed would still be 4 times more likely to die from Con-vid.

To be honest, you lost my attention when you stated that the jabs were free, it’s pointless even trying to argue with stupid.

View attachment 84035
They were free at the point of use, like dental treatment or seeing a gp.
Obviously everything is paid for, thanks for paying for my COVID jabs by the way, very round shouldered of you👍

Ok what percentage do you want to agree on?
20? 40? 50? 80?

Who cares?
No one else does, 20,40,50 or 80% of the population haven't suffered any adverse reactions.
Almost all of your family and friends have had at least two or three vaccines, how many are dead?

Exactly, grow up
It’s those with 3 or 4 jabs who account for the majority of deaths, the double jabbed aren’t experiencing high death rates, probably because they already copped it last year.

But even by your twisted logic, if we include everyone who’s ever had a jab in that 90% figure, then the jabbed would still be 4 times more likely to die from Con-vid.

To be honest, you lost my attention when you stated that the jabs were free, it’s pointless even trying to argue with stupid.

View attachment 84035

What a load of , I'm wellllll over 50 and had 4 Covid jabs and in recent weeks the Flu jab things down my K*ob and up my ( no I did'nt enjoy it ), if I pop my clogs tomorrow it won't be because of all that sh*te you've posted , it will be because I've been bored to death by a Fu**wit like you,
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You're wasting your time.
They are fed bullcrap info and go and spread it all over the internet.

90% of deaths are people who've been jabbed.
Jesus Christ, 90% of everyone has been jabbed.
90% of people falling off a cliff have been jabbed
90% of people getting run over by a steam roller have been jabbed
90% of people drowning in custard have been jabbed

Did they die of custard/cliff/steamroller or was it because of the vaccine? 🤔
You're wasting your time.
They are fed bullcrap info and go and spread it all over the internet.

90% of deaths are people who've been jabbed.
Jesus Christ, 90% of everyone has been jabbed.
90% of people falling off a cliff have been jabbed
90% of people getting run over by a steam roller have been jabbed
90% of people drowning in custard have been jabbed

Did they die of custard/cliff/steamroller or was it because of the vaccine? 🤔
All of these sad lonely people post this shite that they have “discovered” on the dark web . Every one of them has this arrogant , I’m cleverer than you attitude , they sincerely believe that those of us who have enough common sense to see this for the BS that it is , are just not intellectually capable of getting it . Most of these “believers “ are single people , frustrated with their loneliness and desperate to find and cling on to something , anything , that will give them a reason to pity the test of us for not being as enlightened as themselves. If they weren’t so predictably stupid and boring I’d genuinely have sympathy . Oh and by the way am 70 , vaxxed up to the limit and the only people of my generation who sadly have died from covid that I knew personally, were unvaccinated.
Wow, well that’s me told. All I have is government statistics while you have the full backing of the media behind you. I should’ve known I never stood a chance.

Those wildly inaccurate statistics have duped us tin foil hatters into believing that in England, 16 million people haven’t had a single jab, but thanks to your superior wisdom, you all know better because, well, you just do.

You probably think people like us don’t deserve a place in society, but without us, who’s gonna bury the bodies?:wink:

Politicians recently met to debate a petition demanding a full public enquiry into the safety and efficacy of the jabs, due to the worrying uptick in deaths since the vaccine rollout.

They ask why informed consent wasn’t given, as is the case for all prescription and over the counter medicines, via the package inserts.

They ask why the number of heart attacks have risen by an alarming degree over the last year and why most of these deaths are people under 40. They’ve even got a name for it (SADS)

Maybe long Con-vid is to blame or maybe it’s climate change. Just kidding, it’s the lockdowns and the jabs, you fools!

I think for the most part, you will enjoy listening to the debate as some of the speakers will tell you what you want to hear. You can always skip past the ones you don’t like.

It’s a real shame that your confirmation bias prevents you from seeing through the government and media propaganda, and the way you’re all getting your knickers in a twist tells me I must’ve hit a nerve.

Maybe deep down, you regret being so gullible, but you’re too embarrassed to admit it and that’s why you lash out.

Freeman interviews Dr Aseem Malhotra

Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine - Part 1 | Malhotra | Journal of Insulin Resistance
Malhotra , the Dr that was banned from FB for posting unsupported claims about the safety of the vaccines. He cherry picked facts , ignoring those that didn’t fit his narrative. Am not going to post links , there are an abundance of medical experts that have debunked his extreme views.
Just come across this thread while browsing the site.
Interesting take from different people. A good film to watch if you are open minded is
"Monopoly Who owns the world" everything in it is true and can be verified as the speaker shows.
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