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Movie Organisor plugin - organise your series recordings into folders | Page 27 | Techkings
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Movie Organisor plugin - organise your series recordings into folders

uck me, you got enough recordings LOL
Did this error happen after you updated ATV or after you recorded/downloaded something? If it's after a new recording, what was the recording of? and if you can can you look at the filenames of that recording
only thing I had been trying to do was rename two files with .stream extension which shows even if you have hide known extensions set in movie list settings that was reason for the movielist python update , but to try and even rename the to remove long date name on front of filename i had to boot to other partition install EMC which i never use and rename with that i also tried to use cleanup not needed files but don't think it did anything so no real recent recordings.

Annoying .stream filetype
only thing I had been trying to do was rename two files with .stream extension which shows even if you have hide known extensions set in movie list settings that was reason for the movielist python update , but to try and even rename the to remove long date name on front of filename i had to boot to other partition install EMC which i never use and rename with that i also tried to use cleanup not needed files but don't think it did anything so no real recent recordings.

Annoying .stream filetype
I suspect that is the issue then, the plugin knows the filename format of TV recorded files and most common stream filenames so it knows which part is the Show name. Renaming the files is going to end up with a recording name structure that the plugin doesn't recognise. I suspect that's why it's crashing. In normal use it isn't crashing.
I suspect that is the issue then, the plugin knows the filename format of TV recorded files and most common stream filenames so it knows which part is the Show name. Renaming the files is going to end up with a recording name structure that the plugin doesn't recognise. I suspect that's why it's crashing. In normal use it isn't crashing.
enabled more for crash logs seems to be renaming problem some of these file I have not edited at all but EMC may have done something
small sample:
12:17:34.7401 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/The\ Repair\ Shop
12:17:34.7565 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230114\ 2332\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Queen\_\ Live\ At\ The\ Rainbow\.ts\.cuts
12:17:34.7697 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20220715\ 2100\ \-\ Channel\ 5\ HD\ \-\ Judi\ Dench\_\ Our\ National\ Treasure\.ts
12:17:34.7832 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20221227\ 0050\ \-\ Channel\ 5\+1\ \-\ The\ Rolling\ Stones\_\ Live\ from\_\_\_\.ts\.sc
12:17:34.7968 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/True\ Legend\ \-\ HDRip\.mp4
12:17:34.8100 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210927\ 2239\ \-\ That\'s\ TV\ Gold\ \-\ T\_\ Rex\'s\ Marc\ Bolan\_\ Ride\ On\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.8466 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20221227\ 0050\ \-\ Channel\ 5\+1\ \-\ The\ Rolling\ Stones\_\ Live\ from\_\_\_\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.9134 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/Top\ Gun\ Maverick\ 2022\.mp4
12:17:34.9266 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210612\ 1939\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Coldplay\_\ Austin\ City\ Limits\.ts\.sc
12:17:34.9403 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210612\ 1939\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Coldplay\_\ Austin\ City\ Limits\.ts
12:17:34.9543 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230114\ 2332\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Queen\_\ Live\ At\ The\ Rainbow\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.9812 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/The\ Accused\ 1988\.mkv
12:17:34.9947 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/Legend\ of\ Zu\ \[NTF\]\.en\.srt
12:17:35.0081 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230327\ 2000\ \-\ BBC\ One\ ScotHD\ \-\ What\'s\ Gone\ Wrong\ with\ Our\_\_\_\.eit

will just need to live with it
enabled more for crash logs seems to be renaming problem some of these file I have not edited at all but EMC may have done something
small sample:
12:17:34.7401 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/The\ Repair\ Shop
12:17:34.7565 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230114\ 2332\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Queen\_\ Live\ At\ The\ Rainbow\.ts\.cuts
12:17:34.7697 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20220715\ 2100\ \-\ Channel\ 5\ HD\ \-\ Judi\ Dench\_\ Our\ National\ Treasure\.ts
12:17:34.7832 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20221227\ 0050\ \-\ Channel\ 5\+1\ \-\ The\ Rolling\ Stones\_\ Live\ from\_\_\_\.ts\.sc
12:17:34.7968 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/True\ Legend\ \-\ HDRip\.mp4
12:17:34.8100 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210927\ 2239\ \-\ That\'s\ TV\ Gold\ \-\ T\_\ Rex\'s\ Marc\ Bolan\_\ Ride\ On\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.8466 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20221227\ 0050\ \-\ Channel\ 5\+1\ \-\ The\ Rolling\ Stones\_\ Live\ from\_\_\_\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.9134 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/Top\ Gun\ Maverick\ 2022\.mp4
12:17:34.9266 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210612\ 1939\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Coldplay\_\ Austin\ City\ Limits\.ts\.sc
12:17:34.9403 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20210612\ 1939\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Coldplay\_\ Austin\ City\ Limits\.ts
12:17:34.9543 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230114\ 2332\ \-\ Sky\ Arts\ \-\ Queen\_\ Live\ At\ The\ Rainbow\.ts\.meta
12:17:34.9812 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/The\ Accused\ 1988\.mkv
12:17:34.9947 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/Legend\ of\ Zu\ \[NTF\]\.en\.srt
12:17:35.0081 [MovieOrganisor] Renames /media/hdd/movie/20230327\ 2000\ \-\ BBC\ One\ ScotHD\ \-\ What\'s\ Gone\ Wrong\ with\ Our\_\_\_\.eit

will just need to live with it
If it crashes on the first file it tries checking to see if it needs moving then it will stop and nothing else will be sorted. So if it hits one of your renamed files and crashes, any that have not been renamed will not be sorted as the plugin crashed on your renamed file.

The plugin was working before you started renaming files, so its not the plugin, it works to do what it was written to do, if you want to use customised file names then you will either need to use a different plugin, modify the plugin to work with your file naming, or move your renamed files into another folder outside of the Movie folder.
If it crashes on the first file it tries checking to see if it needs moving then it will stop and nothing else will be sorted. So if it hits one of your renamed files and crashes, any that have not been renamed will not be sorted as the plugin crashed on your renamed file.

The plugin was working before you started renaming files, so its not the plugin, it works to do what it was written to do, if you want to use customised file names then you will either need to use a different plugin, modify the plugin to work with your file naming, or move your renamed files into another folder outside of the Movie folder.
Yes I understand will try moving some files.
ok moved some files turns out is not file reaming but filetype not recognised if I rename from .stream to .ts movie organiser works
Maybe line 96

elif names.endswith(".ts") or filename.endswith(".stream"):

That's just a guess as line 181 has a similar catch
yes .stream is a openatv stream type

I tried editing still crashing if I have .stream in any file
stream was working before you renamed the files.

The plugin, if I remember correctly, looks for filename structure to get the show name if ends in ts, and another filename structure to get the show name if it's a .stream as they where different structures. if you've renamed .stream files in the format of a ts file but kept the .stream extension it would fail, but changing the extension to ts would fix it as it looks the same as a normal ts file, if that makes sense.
stream was working before you renamed the files.

The plugin, if I remember correctly, looks for filename structure to get the show name if ends in ts, and another filename structure to get the show name if it's a .stream as they where different structures. if you've renamed .stream files in the format of a ts file but kept the .stream extension it would fail, but changing the extension to ts would fix it as it looks the same as a normal ts file, if that makes sense.
no real problem thanks, as it turn out it was only to files that i had renamed so will just leave them as .ts
Heads up, the server that hosted the 'version' file is being shut down in a couple of weeks which may cause problems for those using version 3.80 or below when you open the plugin. As a quick fix and because the plugin hasn't been updated for a long time, I have created a 3.90 version (the final version) which will no longer check for new versions. You can update by opening the MovieOrganisor plugin and then press the blue button. This must be done in the next couple of weeks (by end of April) as the server will be dead after that and current versions will not find new version.

I have not yet updated the IPK for the plugin (I can't remember how lol)
That perhaps explains it. Rolled second box which is a zgemma h2s back to an old version of open ATV 6.4 yesterday because it’s being rubbish and then got stuck with the annoying clock thing showing channel numbers and the flashing 0.

All sorted on 6.4 other than this brilliant plugin. I added the IPK but it crashes box when selected from plugins. Assume it’s related? Great if you have any other tips to get it on?

Was on the verge of getting another h7s to replace it.
That perhaps explains it. Rolled second box which is a zgemma h2s back to an old version of open ATV 6.4 yesterday because it’s being rubbish and then got stuck with the annoying clock thing showing channel numbers and the flashing 0.

All sorted on 6.4 other than this brilliant plugin. I added the IPK but it crashes box when selected from plugins. Assume it’s related? Great if you have any other tips to get it on?

Was on the verge of getting another h7s to replace it.
no, version 3.80 should work fine on 6.4,
Thanks to @Willo3092 the link it the first post of this thread is to the modified ipk for version 3.90
Woo hoo. Will try it.

I just went back to the box from yesterday and 3.8 was working after a reboot. I updated and now it crashes when I go to plugin screen. Saying something about magic numbers. But it’s not there to remove either so a bit of a fail. I have restored yesterday’s backup and 3.8 worked again on reboot.

I will try sending 3.9 to box over ftp and report back! Good work chaps.
Woo hoo. Will try it.

I just went back to the box from yesterday and 3.8 was working after a reboot. I updated and now it crashes when I go to plugin screen. Saying something about magic numbers. But it’s not there to remove either so a bit of a fail. I have restored yesterday’s backup and 3.8 worked again on reboot.

I will try sending 3.9 to box over ftp and report back! Good work chaps.
EDIT - just installed the IPK from first post and after a reboot I have it working on 3.9. /final version.
New backup being created now as my new safe place to go back to.

I downloaded the IPK from the link and it does say 3.9...maybe he has updated it now?
Anyhow is there a version or alternative plugin for later Openatv... 7.3? Soon we will have 7.4?
It was great when my recordings were automatically and neatly put into subfolders for each series.
Now I use Kiddacs great Onyx skin but it just lists each recording separately, so I have too many files.
I downloaded the IPK from the link and it does say 3.9...maybe he has updated it now?
Anyhow is there a version or alternative plugin for later Openatv... 7.3? Soon we will have 7.4?
It was great when my recordings were automatically and neatly put into subfolders for each series.
Now I use Kiddacs great Onyx skin but it just lists each recording separately, so I have too many files.
version 3.9 works with openatv 7.3 i already mentioned that you need to make a folder with name of series first then run movie organisor.
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