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Movie Organisor plugin - organise your series recordings into folders | Page 19 | Techkings
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Movie Organisor plugin - organise your series recordings into folders

Grog68, sorry PITA again!!!
Still on the case of the double trashcan. Still reckon it just might have something to do with Movie Organisor. Please see two images. I did a complete update of OpenATV 6.2. Deleted Movie Organisor and the reloaded. For the first hour, only one trashcan, then on the hour the other one appears.
Only thing I can think of that happens on the hour, every hour is Movie Organisor creating directories. Interested in your thoughts.
Sorry to be a pain, wingeing about something you've spent time and effort on, and offered free.
Please note the times on both images.
Annoys the hell out of me when I can't explain it.......


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Does the 2nd folder stay there or is it removed again at any point? does it contain anything?

on your computer can you load openwebif in your browser (http://ipofyourbox) and then click on the terminal link on the left. When the terminal window opens, log in with the username root and then type:

ls -a /media/hdd/movie

And then post a screenshot of it here?

The only time Movie Organisor would create a folder is if it sees at least two files that have a matching name (after some bits are stripped off) so in your case, if it see's two files with the word 'trashcan' in their names it would create the folder.
I wonder if this is a conflict with the Enhanced Movie Center, I don't use that plugin so not sure how it works
I wonder if this is a conflict with the Enhanced Movie Center, I don't use that plugin so not sure how it works
Thx for the reply.
Unfortunately not at home right now. Will try what you suggest tomorrow. When there is no "second" trashcan there, when I want to delete a file, it tells me there is no Trashcan directory and do I want to create one. However, on the hour it creates one anyway.
Does the 2nd folder stay there or is it removed again at any point? does it contain anything?

on your computer can you load openwebif in your browser (http://ipofyourbox) and then click on the terminal link on the left. When the terminal window opens, log in with the username root and then type:

ls -a /media/hdd/movie

And then post a screenshot of it here?

The only time Movie Organisor would create a folder is if it sees at least two files that have a matching name (after some bits are stripped off) so in your case, if it see's two files with the word 'trashcan' in their names it would create the folder.
Does the 2nd folder stay there or is it removed again at any point? does it contain anything?

on your computer can you load openwebif in your browser (http://ipofyourbox) and then click on the terminal link on the left. When the terminal window opens, log in with the username root and then type:

ls -a /media/hdd/movie

And then post a screenshot of it here?

The only time Movie Organisor would create a folder is if it sees at least two files that have a matching name (after some bits are stripped off) so in your case, if it see's two files with the word 'trashcan' in their names it would create the folder.
Here you go.

Have done some experimenting. Sorry to bore you but here it is.
2300hrs. Delete 2nd trashcan empty no1 trashcan.
0720hrs. Overnight. All ok only 1 trashcan 0 files. Alter MO frequency to every 15 mins. Try to delete a file. "Delete failed because trashcan dir. Does not exist. Attempt to create it now?"
Answer yes.
0732hrs. Delete 1 file. Trashcan1 = +1.
0745hrs. Still 1 trashcan with 1 file.
0747hrs. Delete 2nd file. Trashcan1 = +2.
(Completely different files!)
0803hrs. Still same. Attempt to Delete 2 files of same series.
"Trashcan does not exist. Attempt to create it"
Answer yes. 2nd trashcan appears. Trashcan1 0 files. Trashcan2 = +2 files.
Delete trashcan2.
Delete 2 files no request to create. Now trashcan1 = +2.
0815hrs trashcan 2 appears +2 files. Trashcan1 = 0 files.
Delete trashcan2 (think this deletes trashcan1 as well although trashcan symbol remains.
0824hrs. Start again.
Delete 1 file. "Trashcan does not exist. Attempt to create it now"
Answer yes.
Delete two files (same series) Trashcan1 = +2 .
0832hrs. Trashcan2 appears +2.

Hope this is of some use

Thx . Phil


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it has to be that the Enhanced Media Centre is using a different trash method as your listing doesn't have a .Trash folder which is normally used as you can see at the top of my directory listing. This is not created or edited or even touched by the MO plugin.


I don't know how the Enhanced Media Center works as never used it but the fact that when you try to delete a recording it says it doesn't exist suggests the EMC is working differently to the standard.
Hi, I'm trying to install Movie Organisor, on an Tiviar AlphaPlus running OpenATV 6.2, using the ipk from this thread. I'm uploading the ipk using the Web I/F and i can see that it has been transferred to the tmp directory in root. However, it doesn't appear to install, following a reboot. Thanks for your help, in advance.
Blue button -> Up -> Up -> Right -> Up

You install and IPK that way once you have copied it over. Personally I just copy them to the root of the USB device so they are there for later if I need them.
Blue button -> Up -> Up -> Right -> Up

You install and IPK that way once you have copied it over. Personally I just copy them to the root of the USB device so they are there for later if I need them.
Thanks for the reply, I thought it installed automatically on a reboot, once in tmp.
Anyway, tried the usb, Im getting "Upgraded, installed, removed zero packages with zerp errors" Any thoughts?
Open up webif in your browser and go to terminal.

Type root and press enter then copy and paste the following:

opkg remove --force-remove enigma2-plugin-extensions-movieorganisor

Restart your box and then install the IPK again.

See if that does the trick.
if you have put it in the tmp folder then do as Wooshman has said and then select /tmp when prompted,
if you have put it in the tmp folder then do as Wooshman has said and then select /tmp when prompted,
Wooshmans suggestion worked, thanks. :D

I now have version 2.14 installed.
However, the path of my recording folder is /media/usb/films which is a bookmark/link at the top of my recordings folder.
How can I change the path to /media/hdd/RecordedTVProgrammes/ ?

Update: I temporarily removed the bookmark for /media/usb/films using the OpenWebif and added a bookmark for /media/hdd/RecordedTVProgrammes/. I reinstalled the plugin and that appears to have done the trick. My recordings are now neatly sorted in folders.
Thanks a million.
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