Hi grog68
I was delighted to find this Plugin, and have just installed and run it on an Xtrend ET8500 running OpenVix.
We have Bookmark "category" folders under Movies (e.g. Films, Sport, Drama, etc.) and get Autotimers to save recordings in the appropriate category.
Unfortunately, what the Plugin has done is to ignore multiple recordings in the subfolders. However, it found single recordings that we had in each of our Films and Sport folders, and moved them "up" to Movies, and deleted the Films and Sports directories.
I'm guessing this is sort of intended behaviour (i.e. moving things that you'd previously put into a folder OUT of it if there's only one recording), although that's not how I'd choose to have it work. But I certainly wouldn't expect it to move recordings out of a folder with a different name.
So, I guess as it doesn't do what I want it to do (make subfolders within existing subfolders) and does move things out of folders I've manually created, I'll be disabling it for now.
If you're able to modify it so that it can look for an autofile recordings under subdirectories of Movies (or the user's choice of default location), and not to move single recordings out of folders that don't match the recording name, then it would work really well for me.
btw, I really like the idea of having a different icon for folders that contain recordings vs those that don't. And I guess that requires the plugin to have an option about whether to automatically delete empty folders or not, as opinion seems to be divided about that.
(On the positive side, having been aware of the possibility of tagging, and that AutoTimers can autotag by the AutoTimer description, but having been unable to find how to filter by tag until now, I've just discovered that long press of the Yellow button in the recordings list can be used to filter by Tags (I've now changed the Tags function to be on the Green button, so it's labelled on the screen). The only slight issue is that the Tag filter is sticky, so it's easy to "lose" recordings if you forget you're filtering by Tag. But hey ho - at least having tags as a labelled button on the screen is a reminder about that.)