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Movie Organisor plugin - organise your series recordings into folders

hi Grog - thanks for fixing the issue with titles containing the '-' character. I've tested on both woosh v4 and v5 and all working :) If you find yourself with some spare time, I'd love to see the following features added to your great plugin.

1) Option for folder to remain, even if a single file in the folder. Currently the file is moved out and folder deleted if just one file.
2) Would love the icon of the folder to change if there is one or more unwatched files in the folder. My HUMAX PVR does this (folder has a little + icon on it). Find it really useful for spotting new recordings.


the first I can look at at some point, the 2nd would be part of the file list rouitine which the Movie Organisor plugin has nothing to with and I really don't want to start messing with other bits of code.
Ok so this plugin has been working great and keeping the Mrs happy since installing via wooshbuild on my Zgemma H2S back in October and now she's noticed its stopped running its now all my fault...

Still works fine when running manually but just doesn't run automatically even though is set to run every 15 minutes.

This is version 2.08.

Does anybody have any ideas of things I could look for that would stop it running automatically or maybe there's a log file I can check on?
I agree with richsimpson, disable the plugin, then from TV hold power button on remote until a menu appears and then select 'restart' or 'restart gui'. when booted back up, go back into plugin screen, enable it and make sure your press GREEN button (OK) to save the settings.
Hi I found that the plugin would not work for me automatically either I tried all the usual settings but nothing, the only way it would run was via the yellow button.
I noticed that the location selection on the plugin was pointing to media\hdd\Movie and my movie folder was in lowercase. I changed the letter "m" on the word movie to a capital letter and low and behold it started to work automatically.
Don't know if this will make a difference to everybody but it worked for me.
I have h2s and have flashed v5 on the box. followed the steps although the screens are slightly different to the steps. I can see the plugin is installed but whenever i press the green button i keep getting: some plugins are not available extensions /movieorganisor list out of index range error. i tried to restart the box and gui but no joy, and plugin is not listed in the list.

ive looked online for help but could not find anything hence posting here for help...anything else i could try. i have a 120gb hdd (usb 2.0) for recording etc connected on the back of the device.
Yes, we've not figured out why this happens? run crossepg downloader and then restart the gui by holding the power button on the remote until the menu appears and then select 'Restart GUI', once restarted the error should go away.
Hi Grog,

Should this clear empty directories? My Mrs has a habit of deleting the episodes which then leaves an empty directory sitting there. Any chance it could be set to also detect if it's empty and delete the dir?

Thanks - the instructions were very clear and concise. The plug-in works very well.
Of course if your ZGemma box is on the same Internet link as your PC then you can see all the files on the ZGemma box via the Network link (Windows 10). You then just copy and paste.
Cheers Dave
Hi Grog,

Should this clear empty directories? My Mrs has a habit of deleting the episodes which then leaves an empty directory sitting there. Any chance it could be set to also detect if it's empty and delete the dir?

The empty folders should be deleted automatically the next time the plugin runs. It is not instant.
On latest version of whooshbuild but recordings are no longer creating folders. Is there a plugin or setting installed or do i need to follow instructions on page 1 of this thread?
Hi, try restarting the GUI, hold power button on the remote until a menu appears and then select restart gui, see if that fixes it.
Hi grog68

I was delighted to find this Plugin, and have just installed and run it on an Xtrend ET8500 running OpenVix.
We have Bookmark "category" folders under Movies (e.g. Films, Sport, Drama, etc.) and get Autotimers to save recordings in the appropriate category.

Unfortunately, what the Plugin has done is to ignore multiple recordings in the subfolders. However, it found single recordings that we had in each of our Films and Sport folders, and moved them "up" to Movies, and deleted the Films and Sports directories.

I'm guessing this is sort of intended behaviour (i.e. moving things that you'd previously put into a folder OUT of it if there's only one recording), although that's not how I'd choose to have it work. But I certainly wouldn't expect it to move recordings out of a folder with a different name.

So, I guess as it doesn't do what I want it to do (make subfolders within existing subfolders) and does move things out of folders I've manually created, I'll be disabling it for now.

If you're able to modify it so that it can look for an autofile recordings under subdirectories of Movies (or the user's choice of default location), and not to move single recordings out of folders that don't match the recording name, then it would work really well for me.

btw, I really like the idea of having a different icon for folders that contain recordings vs those that don't. And I guess that requires the plugin to have an option about whether to automatically delete empty folders or not, as opinion seems to be divided about that.

(On the positive side, having been aware of the possibility of tagging, and that AutoTimers can autotag by the AutoTimer description, but having been unable to find how to filter by tag until now, I've just discovered that long press of the Yellow button in the recordings list can be used to filter by Tags (I've now changed the Tags function to be on the Green button, so it's labelled on the screen). The only slight issue is that the Tag filter is sticky, so it's easy to "lose" recordings if you forget you're filtering by Tag. But hey ho - at least having tags as a labelled button on the screen is a reminder about that.)

The idea of the plugin is basically for those that wanted something similar to $ky so if you have two recordings of eastenders it would create the eastenders folder and move them into it. It is a very basic plugin that just scans the contents of each folder and if there is only one recording in that folder it moves it back out again and deletes the folder it doesn't compare the file names in the folders to the folder name itself. For most this works in that it creates the eastenders folder, you watch them and then when just one left moves that into movies and then deletes eastenders folder.

Unfortunately if I made modifications to meet all the different ways people store their recordings it would become so complicated and to be fair I am not an expert coder when it comes to python so complicated could easily lead to - messed up big time.

The idea of the plugin is basically for those that wanted something similar to $ky so if you have two recordings of eastenders it would create the eastenders folder and move them into it. It is a very basic plugin that just scans the contents of each folder and if there is only one recording in that folder it moves it back out again and deletes the folder it doesn't compare the file names in the folders to the folder name itself. For most this works in that it creates the eastenders folder, you watch them and then when just one left moves that into movies and then deletes eastenders folder.

Unfortunately if I made modifications to meet all the different ways people store their recordings it would become so complicated and to be fair I am not an expert coder when it comes to python so complicated could easily lead to - messed up big time.

Fair enough. Now that I've finally set up better access to Tag filters from the recording list, I'll keep pursuing that route then, and see if I can get them working a bit robustly than they seem to have been doing so far.

It really would be great to have something that would just traverse all folders under Movies and remove the damned "New:[ ]" from the name of any recording though ;)
Maybe I'll have to dust off my ancient Unix knowledge (or persuade somebody who isn't as rusty) to experiment with cron and grep
quick question is 2.05 version pre-installed on WB6? also noticed last night that it didnt put eastenders into the folder i had?
Thanks again for this grog just installed on my new h52tc lovely jubly any chance run every 24hours option can be added on next update cheers mate
Fair enough. Now that I've finally set up better access to Tag filters from the recording list, I'll keep pursuing that route then, and see if I can get them working a bit robustly than they seem to have been doing so far.

It really would be great to have something that would just traverse all folders under Movies and remove the damned "New:[ ]" from the name of any recording though ;)
Maybe I'll have to dust off my ancient Unix knowledge (or persuade somebody who isn't as rusty) to experiment with cron and grep
The Movie Organisor does have an option to remove the New: from the name but that probably wont help you.

Thanks again for this grog just installed on my new h52tc lovely jubly any chance run every 24hours option can be added on next update cheers mate
I did try before, but for some reason I couldn't get timers above 6 hours to work and as a Novice I didn't want to mess what I had already done:)
Hi, Just updated to an H5.2TC installed the latest whooshbuild which includes the movie organiser plugin, but when I go to the plugin and click on it to setup the settings it crashes the box to a blue screen and restarts, tried uninstall and reinstall but same thing happens, any advise appreciated.
Hmm that's strange, I've got it running on an earlly wooshbuild (with some slight mods) on h5.2tc without any issues, I will try a fresh install later and see what happens.

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