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Got to say Rutger Hauer's performance in Bladerunner has been with me since 1983, yes I'm that old, it will be with me until i pop my clogs.
He passed away today, I'm just glad we both existed on the same planet at the same time and we 'met'.
Watch the full movie if you get chance, remakes have nothing in the way of depth or feeling:
Got to say Rutger Hauer's performance in Bladerunner has been with me since 1983, yes I'm that old, it will be with me until i pop my clogs.
He passed away today, I'm just glad we both existed on the same planet at the same time and we 'met'.
Watch the full movie if you get chance, remakes have nothing in the way of depth or feeling:
He was excellent in Blind fury.
Sadly missed..
Alita: Battle Angel, a bit of a mish-mash, but entirely watchable, Christopher Waltz is good as the 'Geppetto' that reassembles the part human /part machine girl, whom he names Alita, after his dead daughter. It soon becomes apparent that Alita & her 'Father' have other purposes. Lots of action & definitely set for a sequel, part funded & written by James Cameron, looks like the 2nd will be similar to Hunger games, a 'millenial film' I'm far from a millenial, but enjoyed it
'Iron Sky, the coming race', currently showing on sky movies premiere
its got everything- adolf hitler, dinosaurs, sci-fi, Nazi's, secret moon bases, it's got them all
What's not to like? - any of it, a bigger pile of crap you will never see, it's like the dream of a madman on crack.
I know what it's trying to be - something it's not, throwbacks to 80's Apple adverts (1984) which fail, miserably, it's neither ridiculous enough to be a comedy nor good enough to be anything else, it's attempting to be half a dozen things and achieves none of them.
utter crap
Us 2019 Horror that was funny in places, didn't have a clue what the story line was 5/10
Triple Threat.
A crime syndicate places a hit on a billionaire's daughter, making her the target of an elite assassin squad. A small band of down-and-out mercenaries protects her, fighting tooth and nail to stop the assassins from reaching their target.

My kind of kick ass movies kung fu shootings and blowing things up.Maybe 4 out of 5
Watched The Vanishing last night after footie!! Good British film, I think it was a rerelease of a last years film called The Keepers 8/10 for me
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