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Guide How to set up a Blade Media BM5000s | Page 16 | Techkings
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Guide How to set up a Blade Media BM5000s

Re download the firmware and try again
in case there was a glitch when downloading or unzipping the .ssu file

Thanks but nothing, i have tried several firmware and pendrive always same error, I can update by rs232?
Hi guys I'm new to this. I got a bm5000s pre installed with all channels but the movies and most sport HD channels don't work, any ideas?
You only get the odd HD channel on sat boxes.

All HD movies and sport went a few months back.

Use the blade online feature to update your channel list
if you can't get any SD channels.

There is instructions in the tutorial
You only get the odd HD channel on sat boxes.

All HD movies and sport went a few months back.

Use the blade online feature to update your channel list
if you can't get any SD channels.

There is instructions in the tutorial

Ok ok thanks for the reply, I seem to have all SD channels.
My box was up n runin 4 12 mnth im tryin 2 set up a new cline clueless i follwed the insturctions itz askin me 4 a usb.. i avnt got one .. do i need one .. help
Need more info, I thought you where just trying to enter a new
line in your box because your old one had ran out.

What are you trying to do ? you don't need to update your firmware
just look at the tutorial at the 8th and 9th photo.
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Thats wot im tryin 2 do.. it went off last week if got an email with line details 2 put in im not sure where im putin them i followed the instructions pressd the image back up ready 2 put them in n it said usb not there not a person that does this 4 a living..haha im hopeless
Image back up backs up the image on your box to a USB stick, you are in the wrong part of the menu.

Exit the menus, put the box on any channel, press menu on your remote then 9991 on your remote

You should get the screen shown in picture number 8 of the tutorial.
Iv jus dun that im still watchin free virw channels threw the box..i pressed menu it brought up all the options ..but cudnt press 9991..??

---------- Post Merged at 12:27 PM ----------

Iv nearly done it im on2 the imput my not sure where im entering it tho it says server number but wont let me click on it or input any letters .. what am i doin wrong ??
PM me your line details and I will send you it back broken up in to the correct sections
Iv jus figured it out in the sections pressed f1 exited then rebooted.. still scrambled.. do i need 2 wait 4 the line 2 b activated or have i done it wrong .. cheers 4 ur help
Go back onto the first page if it is connected the little button should be green,
if it's not it's yellow.

Are you using a C or N line, have you put it in the right section ?

If the info is correct after a reboot it should just take a few seconds to connect
i have done all this and put in my line manually. the box is green but it says Unkown CAS then followed by alot of 0's. can anyone help as it's sending me daft
Blade online

Is blade online down when I select it nothing appears

Can I install a channel list manually if so where can I obtail a granada list?

Thanks in advance
Hi every body, I'm new to this game I've bought a blade bm8000 combo and want to patch it so i can put a cline on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated with a link to the soft ware thank jbs
Hi, New to this forum and setting my Blade 5000s. I have followed the tutorial and inserted the instruction line manually, however still no decoding, all FTA channels are working as is the u tube downloads section(internet connection OK). Is there any way I can check the instruction line is correct and is being used as the default line in the correct place. Thanks in advance for any help which can be provided. Rib58.
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