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Guide How to set up a Blade Media BM5000s | Page 15 | Techkings
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Guide How to set up a Blade Media BM5000s

Sorry guys I'm new here. I've totally messed up my blade 5000s by doing a factory reset now I'm getting a crappy EPG. And I'm failing to download even after registering. Could you please help?
Hi Bee
I recently purchased a mb5000s as I wanted sky on it, I have a new sky box hd can that be converted to receive free sky?

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Hello Gys,

have been reading the guide as above, however I am slightly lost how to install the software on the box.
is it through via the null cable through the laptop I presume or I am lost now.

Please all the help would highly be appreciated.

Very good instructions. I am able to follow to the point. Now I just need to figure out how to access the download section. Aparrently I don't have the priveleges to download yet. Can anyone help or advise me on how to get the permission to download the file?
looks like Blade are releasing a new box on 01-01-2015 BM8000s

Looks like it's already out,the ad says it's a combo for £120.

Spec says it has a Sat tuner plus a DVE-T/T2 tuner ?

I would check that it deffo has a cable tuner before buying.

Might be a typo but even google haven't heard of it !! lol
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hi setting up a box for someone...when i go to the channel list on blade online it is blank.....any help is blade online just down....any other way to add a channel list ,,,,,,,,cheers
I did every step and on blade online part step, none of .ssu files show on so i cant download my local channels, Anyone have this problem?
hi i followed the steps and everythings fine apart from there's no channel lists on Blade Online anyone know how to sort this or can they post a backup of latest channel list (not the 1 of blade website cause it only goes back to feb) so i can add manually for now please

---------- Post Merged at 11:30 AM ----------

same problem did you find a way to sort it out ??

---------- Post Merged at 11:33 AM ----------

got the same problem the only other way is to download latest list and add file via usb on image upgrade ,But unfortunatly the latest list i can find on the Blade website is from Feb this year so there are missing channels and hd 1's which cant be used
Sometimes blade online goes down for a few days while they bring out
new channel lists.

If I where you I would ask for somebody to upload a channel list
from their box, you can then load it onto yours until the online facility comes back up.

I sold mine a while back or I would have done it for you.

Think it is Menu - Update & Backup - Image backup - Then use the database option at the top of the page ( Right button to scroll through the options )
Hi, I follow the instructions and I can´t update the firmware says "flash type match error" help, please thanks
Re download the firmware and try again
in case there was a glitch when downloading or unzipping the .ssu file
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