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DsayersBuild Dsayers Openatv complete backup for zgemma H.2H

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Ok I am going re install/ refresh my box and see if problem still persists for epg. Zing back on now thanks! anything on mtv beats?
Ah ok, thanks alot for your help Dsayers! it is appreciated. out of curiosity does boxnation HD work for you? it doesnt for me but none-hd does... im thinking with the freezing on my line i need a new provider....
I've been asked about BoxNation HD today but it doesn't play anything till the weekend so I'll check then.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Just to let you know that I tried updating via the online update method and it finished flashing however when the box went to restart it got stuck on boot. I then had to flash the box using the USB method and all is good. Just one question how do I get the picons to work?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
From full screen TV:
Press the Portal button -> Green button to download plugins -> Highlight +extensions -> Press the OK button

Scroll right down the list and choose zeggy/help snp picon updater (1.2)

Reboot box

Once rebooted
From full screen TV:
Press the Portal button
Choose Zeggy/Help SNP Picon updater

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Hi dsayers,
I have a H2 which I believe your backup will not work on, could you recommend a backup/image for the H2 ?
And would it be possible to used YOUR channel setup with another backup/image ?

Many Thanks
Hi dsayers,
I have a H2 which I believe your backup will not work on, could you recommend a backup/image for the H2 ?
And would it be possible to used YOUR channel setup with another backup/image ?

Many Thanks

I believe andy mc backup in the downloads section is good but maybe best starting a thread to see what others use.

You can use my custommix on almost any image that uses Autobouquetmaker. Once you have chosen you're image goto plugins then green to download plugins then system plugins scroll down and install dsayers custommix importer and follow the steps in this thread for setting up

If you have anymore questions about my plugin post in the Custommix thread or for help with image start a new thread as it gets confusing posting different issues in here.
other channels missing are

b4u movies
b4u music
star plus
sony tv
star gold
sony sab

(seems to be the asian channels) but they can be found in ALL CHANNELS but dont show up in bouquet


Ok here is my International bouquet






Only channel I seem to have an issue with is &TV HD
Ok here is my International bouquet

Only channel I seem to have an issue with is &TV HD

hmm interesting changing my skin back to vskin to check
is it possible to see your abm settings (you can change you geographic location) not sure maybe im missing something... wonder why its not picking them channels in a bouquet.
hmm interesting changing my skin back to vskin to check
is it possible to see your abm settings (you can change you geographic location) not sure maybe im missing something... wonder why its not picking them channels in a bouquet.

ABM Settings ignore the Sky UK test option that is for my testing




Can you try to manual scan one of the transponders menu, setup, service searching, manual scan set the transponder same as this screen shot then green to scan

manual scan.jpg

You should be able to scan 16 channels if not then it will be likely a dish issue so maybe best starting a new thread as others maybe best at helping with realigning the dish
hi mate thanks for this - ok i think the abm provider settings i had set up wrong - now the channels are showing in bouquet
i did the manual scan to and its showing 16 channels

but the channels are not clearing
wheras if i go to all channels and see another listing for the channel - it will work. it seems to be selecting the 'sky' version although we know they no longer work.
hi mate thanks for this - ok i think the abm provider settings i had set up wrong - now the channels are showing in bouquet
i did the manual scan to and its showing 16 channels

but the channels are not clearing
wheras if i go to all channels and see another listing for the channel - it will work. it seems to be selecting the 'sky' version although we know they no longer work.

They are working fine on Sky with a line so if you dont have a line goto dsayers custommix blue to delete file and turn autofetch to no then green to save.

Now goto ABM providers change Sky UK FTA only yes then virgin UK generate sections bouquets yes then green to save. Now goto providers order and press blue to move sat_282_sky_uk down green to save then rescan ABM you will now have two sets of bouquets virgin first then sky uk FTA bouquets.
great got these channels working under a seperate bouquet as directed above. its a shame i can't get it under the one bouquet like before? but at least its there
great got these channels working under a seperate bouquet as directed above. its a shame i can't get it under the one bouquet like before? but at least its there

There has been some changes to the Dsayers Importer if you do a software update then goto Dsayers CustomMix Importer on Import press right and change to Dsayers: Sky UK free to air channels into Virgin Media UK then Enable Autofetch to yes and press yellow to fetch file then green to save.

Dsayers CustomMix Imprter.jpg

Now rescan ABM this will add Sky FTA channels to Virgin Media line up




If you are happy with that setup then in ABM providers change Sky UK generate main bouquet and selection bouquets to no green to save then start scan.
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For Irish users same as above there has been an update the the Dsayers CustomMix Importer so user can now download Jawz CustomMix this will add Irish cable channels to Sky UK line up please note I cant use this so I haven't tested it but feed back has been good.

Goto Dsayers CustomMix Importer on Import press right to Jawz Virgin Media IE and Sky IE channels into Sky UK change enable Autofetch to yes then yellow to fetch file then green to save.

Jaws IE CustomMIX.jpg

Goto ABM providers and set as below:

Sky UK: Yes
Sky UK: area - London HD (You can use any HD area)
Sky UK: FTA only - No
Sky UK: generate main bouquets - Yes (all channels)
Sky UK: generate sections bouquets - yes
Sky UK: generate HD bouquet - yes
Sky UK: generate FTA bouquet - Optional
Sky UK: generate FTA HD bouquet - Optional
Sky UK: swap channels - Yes

Virgin IE: Yes
Virgin IE: area - set to YOUR area
Virgin IE: FTA only - No
Virgin IE: generate main bouquet - Yes
Virgin IE: generate sections bouquets - No
Virgin IE: generate HD bouquets - No
Virgin IE: generate FTA bouquets - No
Virgin IE: generate FTA HD bouquet - No

Green to save then providers order and set Sky UK on top green to save then rescan ABM

I would like Irish users to test this and give me some feed back before I update instructions on first post thanks.
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