TK Veteran
I give up drinking beer in December it slowly started to make me ill with my diabetes.
So I've become obsessed with coffee.
I can't afford a bean to coffee machine.
I've tried the pod machines and I like them for a bit then start tasting a tang I can't get rid of. Think it's the powdered milk.
So I've bought a cafeteria, mokka pot, v60 pour over.
I've tried rave coffee and I've had my mind blown. But it's dear at between £7 to £14 for 250grams of coffee.
I've tried from rave coffee.
Chinese coffee. Dongha lovely drinking now
Mexican coffee.
And there house blend chatwood. Proper chocolate notes.
I've never tasted coffee like it.
There is a coffee shop by me that sells coffee too. But open odd time. And always shut when I'm home from work.
But yes this is my new thing to be obsessed over ha 😂
Next purchases gonna be a goose neck kettle and scales that weigh how many grams per second is poured.
I'm landed though as my blood sugar levels have now returned to normal levels of a normal person and I can't wait for my diabetic review next week !!!
I give up drinking beer in December it slowly started to make me ill with my diabetes.
So I've become obsessed with coffee.
I can't afford a bean to coffee machine.
I've tried the pod machines and I like them for a bit then start tasting a tang I can't get rid of. Think it's the powdered milk.
So I've bought a cafeteria, mokka pot, v60 pour over.
I've tried rave coffee and I've had my mind blown. But it's dear at between £7 to £14 for 250grams of coffee.
I've tried from rave coffee.
Chinese coffee. Dongha lovely drinking now
Mexican coffee.
And there house blend chatwood. Proper chocolate notes.
I've never tasted coffee like it.
There is a coffee shop by me that sells coffee too. But open odd time. And always shut when I'm home from work.
But yes this is my new thing to be obsessed over ha 😂
Next purchases gonna be a goose neck kettle and scales that weigh how many grams per second is poured.
I'm landed though as my blood sugar levels have now returned to normal levels of a normal person and I can't wait for my diabetic review next week !!!