Hi all
1) Can I ask, when you back up the image to usb you get the 'full back up folder' but is the 'zgemma' flash folder updated automatically?
(I'm presuming so, as I have backed up today, and the date of the 'zgemma' folder has changed to today's date)
or do you have to update that manually for auto flashing? also when you do a new back up is the 'force' setting saved or do you have to change that every time?
2)with the new online flashing with this build is there any need to do a full image back up now? or will a simple settings backup suffice?
also on a side note, I see ATV 5.2 is now availiable, is this still beta? will you be doing a new build with the 5.2? (sorry i dont fully understand how this works, what would happen if i updated to 5.2 with your build running?)
Thanks again
1) Can I ask, when you back up the image to usb you get the 'full back up folder' but is the 'zgemma' flash folder updated automatically?
(I'm presuming so, as I have backed up today, and the date of the 'zgemma' folder has changed to today's date)
or do you have to update that manually for auto flashing? also when you do a new back up is the 'force' setting saved or do you have to change that every time?
2)with the new online flashing with this build is there any need to do a full image back up now? or will a simple settings backup suffice?
also on a side note, I see ATV 5.2 is now availiable, is this still beta? will you be doing a new build with the 5.2? (sorry i dont fully understand how this works, what would happen if i updated to 5.2 with your build running?)
Thanks again
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