how can i get the line up again any codes ? maybe
Disk access is driving me mad!!!! I have a front USB for the swap file and EPG and then a rear powered USB for storage, I switched from Vix as it seemed to power up the drive every hour or so and then shut it down again, now with this build it seems to power up the drive every 15 mins or so, it quickly powers off again but its noisy through the night! Anyone got any ideas - could it be one of the plugins? Love the build but the drive is driving me mad!
Excellent - I'll give that a go tonight and keep my fingers crossed - the timeshift is set to my Flash USB drive not the HDD but I guess it is checking everywhere?
Disk access is driving me mad!!!! I have a front USB for the swap file and EPG and then a rear powered USB for storage, I switched from Vix as it seemed to power up the drive every hour or so and then shut it down again, now with this build it seems to power up the drive every 15 mins or so, it quickly powers off again but its noisy through the night! Anyone got any ideas - could it be one of the plugins? Love the build but the drive is driving me mad!
Every 15 minutes will be the timeshift checking for older files. You can probably safely change this to 12 hours or so or disable it.
Menu -> Setup -> Recordings & timeshift -> Timeshift checking for older files [in minutes] - set to what you want.
The way I understand this option is that it will check to make sure there are no more than x number of timeshifts stored. By default there should never be more than 1 set of timeshift files stored so disabling the check shouldn't cause a problem.
That is the only thing which is set to run every 15 minutes in WooshBuild as standard.
Hi guys, new to this site, have tried downloading the basebuild to start following the guide but it says I may not have access for a few reasons, I have validated my account and did a welcome post but no luck yet :/
Hi guys, new to this site, have tried downloading the basebuild to start following the guide but it says I may not have access for a few reasons, I have validated my account and did a welcome post but no luck yet :/
Wait for server to update (few minutes)
Anyone give me so advice please been running the new wooshbuild an everything was fine but I've changed my broadband provider to talk talk set it all up yesterday new router an filter etc plugged my new home plugs into the router an the zgemma box an tried to start the ccams again in softcam panel an just can't seem to get my line to restart when I put USB pen drive in the front port an try to copy it in USB cam importer says it's been copied successfully lost the will to live now
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