Just Updated to the latest build and cant seem to be able to connect via FTP. Any idea why?
The Guru
Itv 103Hi All,
Everything is fine just a minor things
when I press 103 for ITV it goes to 101 BBC instead?? I have to goto the guide instead to select 103 any ideas??
i think its because you need to enter the "3" quicker after the "0" as the "0" button is the panic button set to "101" used for getting off those 900 channels quickly (not that i ever need to use it :flasher:)
Run the AutoBouqets E2 step again, but this time after you press menu and select your region, press down once and change Numbering system to HD (left or right on the remote).
hi guys cant get slky chans on epg wot setting do i need in epg---crossepg so they show thanks
Hello, Wooshman, First of thanks for the build works a treat great work, i am having one small issue i have followed all the steps for the picons over and over they seem to download for ages so i leave it to do it but when it finishes downloading it just goes back to normal screen and still no images as there should be, dont get me wrong nothing is broken can just not seem to sort the logos any help i would be grateful for some direction..
hi guys cant get slky chans on epg wot setting do i need in epg---crossepg so they show thanks
If you are running one of the latest Wooshbuilds & have followed the instructions, then there should not be an issue. This is of course if you have added your line correctly? What version are you currently using?
I can't remember if the instructions tell you to check for existing picons & remove if any first.
Also check that you are installing srp picons, the others don't work for some reason.
---------- Post Merged at 09:30 PM ----------
hi guys cant get slky chans on epg wot setting do i need in epg---crossepg so they show thanks
If you are running one of the latest Wooshbuilds & have followed the instructions, then there should not be an issue. This is of course if you have added your line correctly? What version are you currently using?
If you don't have a Sly skin when you press the EPG button, you have't flashed WooshBuild. If you have you need to do a channel scan as per the instructions and then an EPG scan. For this to work you need your sat cables plugged in.
Check through the instructions as I think you have missed something somewhere.
Hi Wooshman,
Done everything to the letter and checked again removed and flashed a few time to make sure but still getting just the slyk emblem and nothing else in place even when downloaded all picon , all cables connected so not sure where going wrong, will give it another spin tomorrow with a fresh mind , Thanks for getting back to me dude..
Hi Wooshman,
Done everything to the letter and checked again removed and flashed a few time to make sure but still getting just the slyk emblem and nothing else in place even when downloaded all picon , all cables connected so not sure where going wrong, will give it another spin tomorrow with a fresh mind , Thanks for getting back to me dude..
Well if it is any consolation v4 had picons pre-installed.
I really should get it done for the 2S. Once day, promise.
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