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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.01- Zgemma 2S + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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WooshBuild v4.001- Zgemma 2S + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

WooshBuild v4.001 Beta is here and is FULLY Configured

Click -> New Users -Download BaseBuild before proceeding.

Click here for details, FAQs and instructions <- then click


Posting of this tutorial on any site except TechKings is not allowed. Copying in full or in part is strictly prohibited
I do name and shame

Includes BaseBuild - Never flash WooshBuild from a USB again
and transferring your line just got as easy as it can get

Zgemma 2S & S only
H2H coming soon

Just 7 steps for a new user
Only 4 steps for an existing user

Then only 3 steps for every update after that

Current version level v3.03 Beta
19 April 2016

Upgading WooshBuild from v3.xx ?
Start from step 4

BT Sport HD has gone - Here is how you put the SD back and get rid of the HD on your EPG

What's new in WooshBuild v3.03 Final:

  • Latest channel scan and custom_swap done to fix BBC 1, 2 and Alba issue for England on the EPG
  • IPTV Player Feeds tailored by Benijofar - Gold Movies added
  • KodiDirect, IPTV Player and system updates up to date
  • IPTV Player - Feeds tailored by Benijofar
  • MUTV HD & UK available and swapped with SD
  • KodiDirect, IPTV Player and system updates up to date

What's new in WooshBuild v3.01 Beta:

  • Flash online menu has simple options - Menu Options have changed - Instructions updated
  • The unique "-USB Cam Importer-" is now at the top of the plugins list
  • Minor updates made to menus
  • CacheFlush is back on the Plugins screen
  • All OpenATV updates up to date at time of uploading
  • AutoBouquet E2 update time changed to 11:45am
  • CorssEPG update time changed to 12:45pm

  • WooshBuild v3.00 and all future updates will be downloaded and flashed all from your box online
  • WooshBuild v3.00 and all future updates are FULLY configured reducing setup time to minutes
  • The unique "USB Cam Importer" transfers your line file straight from a USB stick onto the box - Then to really blow your mind it starts the cam for you
  • The ability to flash this and future releases of WooshBuild in minutes without leaving your seat or loosing your settings
  • Channel 5 HD as channel number 105
  • Initial boot screen is no longer blank

What's included in v3.xx

  • OpenATV 5.1 Fully updated (at time or release)
  • Slyk HD v3 complete with Sky EPG Tabs - Kiddac
  • Sky Channel numbers on the EPG
  • AutoBouquests e2 (28.8e - Pre-scanned to get you up an running quickly)
  • Random Audio Description turned off for all channels
  • HDMI CEC configured. Put your TV in standby at the same time as your box (TV dependent)
  • CrossEPG 0.6.2 - Locked so over the air updates will not replace with a newer version
  • CrossEPG Slyk v3 Skin applied - Kiddac
  • mgcamd_1.38r1
  • CCcam 2.3.0
  • CacheFlush - pre-configured and in silent mode - hidden
  • IPTV Player - Installed and ready to go
  • KodiDirect - Installed and ready to go
  • Panic button to take you back to BBC1 and delete History Zap when you press the 0 button. This is instant
  • Pre-configured for use with an 8gb usb drive although as large as possible is better.
  • USB Cam Importer Plugin - Add your line from a usb stick and let the plugin start it for you

Most questions have been answered before on WooshBuild v1 and v2. Please do not post questions that have already been answered time and time again for common non image related issues.
This thread is NOT to provide support for:

  • IPTV Player or KodiDirect
  • Plugins which are not installed as standard
  • FTP transfers - This image does not need FTP
  • Formatting a USB to fat32 - Windows issue
  • SD cards or Micro SD cards
  • Box not flashing - answered a million times all over the forum - search for it

  • Please don't ask those questions in here. They WILL NOT be answered.
  • Any posts such as these will be requested to be deleted by mods
  • Any other problems that are not WooshBuild related, please search the forum and then create a new thread for your issue

This thread is for supporting the installation of BaseBuild & WooshBuild v3.xx and additional image configuration if required.

You need this file to start:

BaseBuild Download: BaseBuild for WooshBuild v3.xx

How it works:

To allow WooshBuild image updates to be available online you need to flash BaseBuild - This is a one time flash. This is a very small 60mb image which includes the magic required to let your box flash WooshBuild from the internet and leave you sitting on the sofa. Once this has flashed, you basically go to online updates using your remote and choose the latest WooshBuild version from the list - select it and the box does the rest.

When you have flashed BaseBuild once, you do not have to do it again unless you mess something up. Each release of WooshBuild will contain the same online flash method, I just needed a way to add it to your box the easiest, simplest way.

Each new WooshBuild release can be used as a new users image or an existing users upgrade.

What is required

  • Ideally two USB drives (Sticks/Flash Drives/Pen Drive) whatever you want or call them. I will call them "Flash USB stick" and "Main USB Stick"

  • A small USB stick is all that is required to Flash your box using this image - an 512mb will do.

  • A larger USB device is advised 16GB bare minimum for recording / pause and rewind.
  • [STRIKE]And some double sided sticky tape, no, that is for Blue Peter projects, ignore that![/STRIKE]

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]Connect your box
Satellite cables - top left, bottom right as marked below, the power lead, hdmi lead and network cable.[/TD]
[TD]back of box.jpg[/TD]

Feel free to turn it on, have a look around press a few buttons. Whatever you do at the moment will get removed when you flash the box using any image. When you have finished playing, I mean learning, turn off the box using the power button at the back.

Lets get this show on the road

Full Install Instructions - These instructions will wipe any usb data you have.

(Existing WooshBuild Users - Backup your settings NOW - Blue Button -> Backup Settings -> OK button. Takes about 3 minutes. - Do not initialise your USB device in step 1)

----- STEP 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

How to flash BaseBuild
- The starting point of WooshBuild v3.xx and all future WooshBuilds

BaseBuild Download: BaseBuild for WooshBuild v3.xx

Remove ALL usb devices from your box - front and back ports.

1. Make a folder on your desktop called "basebuild" and extract the contents of the zip file into this new folder (Or you can right click the zip file and extract contents to Woosh-BaseBuild-2S)
2. Format a spare USB stick ("Flash USB Stick") using the Fat32 file system, A quick format will do - ideally this USB stick can be kept safe in a drawer should you need to re-flash your box at anytime.
3. Copy the zgemma folder and it's entire contents from the basebuild folder on your desktop to the USB stick

IMPORTANT: The contents of the usb stick should now contain:

A zgemma folder
----------- Inside that is a folder called sh1
--------------------- Inside that folder are 5 files

4. With your box turned off, put the Flash USB stick into the zgemma 2S box using the rear USB port. Not sure what happens if you are using a USB 3.0 usb stick - feedback needed please.

5. Turn on the Box and wait for the letters FLSH to appear on the front screen. It will then change to boot after a minute or two. Once booted, press and hold the standby button and select "Deep Standby". Once the box is in standby, remove the Flash USB stick from the rear of box and keep in a safe place

6. You box is now flashed and running BaseBuild, the BaseBuild logo will be on your TV.

basebuild (1).jpg

From now on, you now longer need to use USB sticks to flash WooshBuild images as it is all done via the box and over the air.

----- STEP 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Getting ready to Flash WooshBuild v3.xx

Because WooshBuild v3.xx and future updates will be pre-configured there are two steps that need doing before you flash online. Initialising your USB and creating a swap file.

(Existing Users which already have a USB stick with data on - DO NOT initialise your usb device)

1. If not done already, remove the USB stick from the rear port and insert second usb into the rear port, this will be the "Main USB stick" Now turn press the standby button on your remote to start the box.

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]2. Press the Blue button -> Harddisk -> Initialisation -> OK button -> Red Button (Initialise) -> OK Button

The above step is really really important, miss this and you will have problems throughout![/TD]
[TD]screenshot (1).jpg
[TD]Your USB stick is now being initialised for use with the Zgemma box. This will be used for pause, rewind and the recording of programs, it is also used for the swap file, EPG data and picons. Time to complete this step varies depending on the size of the device. You will be returned to "quick launch menu" when complete.[/TD]
[TD]3. Press the Exit button once to return to the fullscreen BaseBuild logo.[/TD]

----- STEP 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Creating a swap file

(Existing Users - if you already use a swap file, skip this step)

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]Menu -> Info Panel -> Plugins -> SwapManager -> Create (green button) -> OK Button -> Highlight 256mb and press OK Button[/TD]
[TD]While this is happening, please take note that the text will read: "Wait please while creating swapfile..."[/TD]
[TD]1_0_1_1656_7E5_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (1).jpg[/TD]
[TD]After a few minutes (depending on device speed and swap size selected) this text changes to "Enable Swap at startup" and you can move to next step.[/TD]
[TD]Press the Red Button (Activate) - Note the Status will turn green and change to Active[/TD]
[TD]Press the Yellow Button (Autostart) - You will have this on your screen[/TD]
[TD]1_0_19_521C_812_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (4).jpg[/TD]
Now Press the Exit button 4 times to return to the TV

RESTART YOUR BOX! - Have you done it yet? Do it now! - Press and hold the standby button then select Restart to restart the box.

----- STEP 4 --------------- If upgrading backup your settings first -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Upgrading from v3.xx to latest build? - Backup your settings NOW - Blue Button -> Backup Settings -> OK button. Takes about 3 minutes.)

OK so let's Flash WooshBuild v3.xx ONLINE

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]1. Blue button -> Flash Online/Local -> Green button (Online) -> Highlight latest Wooshbuild image. (In this case WooshBuild v3.xx)[/TD]
[TD]screenshot (2).jpg
screenshot (3).jpg[/TD]
[TD]2. Press Green button (Flash)

WooshBuild will now download directly from the servers and you will see the progress indicator

Once downloaded, press the Green button (OK)[/TD]
[TD]screenshot (4).jpg[/TD]
[TD]You will now see 3 options, highlight option 2 and press the OK button.[/TD]
[TD]screenshot (7).jpg[/TD]
[TD]Unzipping file, please wait... will be displayed at the top of the screen for about 20 seconds[/TD]
[TD]screenshot (6).jpg[/TD]
[TD]The "ofgwrite Flashing Tool" screen appears with two progress bars while the image is flashed to your box.[/TD]

Your box will finally reboot.

When your box has fully restared you will see BBC1 HD. Your box is now fully configured and ready for use.

Please note, I always build at night with the volume turned down to 0. Please turn your volume up.

(Existing Users - Restore your settings: Blue Button -> Restore Settings -> Yes -> OK - this takes a little while and your box will reboot. If asked to restore plugins, say NO. You may have to re-install these manually)

Existing users and upgrades are now finished and using WooshBuild v3.xx

----- STEP 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set EPG storage Location

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]1. Press the Menu button -> Setup -> CrossEPG -> Configure
You will arrive here[/TD]
[TD]1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (2).jpg[/TD]
[TD]2. Press the left or right direction button on the remote to select your USB device. What yours is called will differ from the screen shot.[/TD]
[TD]1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (1).jpg[/TD]
[TD]3. Press the Red button (back) to return to the menu.

Scroll down to Download now and press the OK button to begin a scan.[/TD]

Your EPG store location is now set to the USB device.

----- STEP 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Changing your TV Region

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]1. Press the Green button -> Highlight AutoBouqets E2 -> OK button -> Menu button

2. Now use the left and right arrows to select your TV region then press the Green Button (OK)[/TD]
[TD]3. Now press the Green button (Start)
Highlight Yes on "Do you want to perform a NIT scan)
Press the OK Button[/TD]
[TD]Exit back to TV when the scan finishes.[/TD]

----- STEP 7 ------ This is the hardest part to explain. Please read and digest this information as it will help you. ----------------

All of the information you need to do this step is below - if you cannot do it, read it again and then try again.

Adding your line / gift / cam - Whatever you want to call it

WooshBuild v3+ comes with a unique USB Cam importer plugin. This copies your cccam.cfg or newcamd.list file from a USB stick to the correct location of /usr/keys. It then starts the cam for you. The advantage of this plugin is there is no longer a need to FTP your line across which will stop problems, questions and frustration.

Your Line provider has either sent you your line details as plain text in an email or sent you a file. Depending on the line type depends on which file you need on your USB stick.
I have included both the cccam.cfg and newcamd.list files for download. Enter your line details in the file you need, or simply copy the file your provider sent you to your USB stick

View attachment 16500

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]If the details you were sent look something like:[/TD]
[TD]N: 18000 username pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/TD]
[TD="align: right"]or[/TD]
[TD]C: 18000 username pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14[/TD]
[TD]You need to open the cccam.cfg file, paste your details in and then save the file on to your Flash USB Stick[/TD]
[TD]If the details you were sent look something ilke:[/TD]
CWS = 56845 username pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan server1[/TD]
[TD]You need to open the newcamd.list file, paste your details in, save the file and copy it to your Flash USB Stick[/TD]

Using the Plugin - This plugin will only work on a Zgemma box running WooshBuild v3+

Put your TV channel to Sky 1 - Done it?

Insert your Flash USB Stick into the front port on the box.

When you insert the USB stick you may see a popup message "No displayable files on this medium found!" - This is to be expected and can be ignored
1_0_1_1656_7E5_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (1) (1).jpg

[TABLE="width: 98%"]
[TD]Press the Green button to open the plugins page

Highlight USB Cam Importer and press the OK button.

Providing your have a cccam.cfg or newcamd.list file on the USB stick, the plugin will copy the file as required to the location needed.

Your screen will flicker once and your line details are correct you should see Sky 1 in the little back window.[/TD]
[TD]1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (3).jpg[/TD]
[TD]If the plugin tells you that a file has not been found, please check what you have done and try again. The plugin looks for 2 files on the USB stick - cccam.cfg and newcamd.list. Your line details must be in one of these files on the stick. For the line to work you must have the correct line type in the correct file.

C: or N: - cccam.cfg
CWS - newcamd.list[/TD]
[TD]1_0_19_1B1D_802_2_11A0000_0_0_0 (4).jpg[/TD]
[TD]Once complete, press the exit button back to the TV.[/TD]
[TD]That is now all there is to adding your line to this and all future WooshBuild images.[/TD]

Your box is now using WooshBuild v3.xx

Updating your system software
The final step whenever you want to do it is to check for OpenATV updates. Over the air updates are safe to do with OpenATV and I do suggest you do them from time to time.

Blue button -> Software update -> Green button when list is populated.
Then when updated have been installed press OK button twice.

Want Picons? Click here

-----:look here:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Credits & Acknowledgments

Kiddac for his untouchable Slyk 1 HD v3 Skin making moving from mainstream provider to Zgemma simple - so simple even your missus will agree.
Kiddac for my boot logo and BaseBuild Logo
Kiddac for his guide when I first started out.
Everyone who used WooshBuild v1, v2 and v2.5, the feedback given is the reason for v3.xx.

A very special thank you to Benifojar for his hours and hours alpha and beta testing for online flashing, USB Cam importer testing, BaseBuild testing, backing up settings, confusing the hell out of each other, getting out of his seat to swap USB sticks and for testing his arse off like you wouldn't believe. We got there in the end Beni! Thank you!



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Been thoroughly tested numerous times over the last few days and is identical to the H2S builds.
Thanks Wooshman for the continued upgrades and hard work...👍
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Right mr woosh. I am going to install your build as if i have never touched a zgemma in my life. If there is an errors your getting it double barrelled. Ha
ok wooshbuild is installed and fully working. bravo. Very clear instructions if you follow them closely and don't speed read them.

Now to check your settings..... ;)

After doing a software update... I rebooted and strangely the cam switched to mgcamds rather than cccams for the line I installed. This meant I had no channels. Very strange.
Easily fixed by changing softcams back to cccams. But one to look out for.

These are my own personal setting tweaks. It's up to you if you take note of them.

Audio Language selection 1,2,3,4 I always set to none. Just to make sure that dam audio doesn't appear. ever.

Timeshift settings...
Stop timeshift while recording. Surely this should be set to yes.

Recording settings.
Show message when recording starts... yes
Allow quit movie player with exit...yes (otherwise its a pain to exit)
Remove completed timers after... 1 day
Disk space to reserve for recordings.... 40gb (might be worth advising people to change this depending on their external backup device

Usage & GUI...OSD settings
2nd info bar....2nd info bar info
show channel number in infobar...yes

Channel selection settings
Channel list preview...yes
Enable unlinked bouquets...yes (so you can have your own user bouquets)
show record indicator...left from service name ( I prefer an icon rather than the red background)
show columns...yes (it looks neater)

Display...LED display setup
Show on LED... channel number/clock in standby clock

Extended GUI...OSD position
you forgot to mention to realign your screen

IPTV player
I would have cleared out the crap, but then again every user is different

Infobar EPG settings
Event font size... -2 (grrrr 0)

GraphicalEPG settings
Font sizes again

EPG settings
EPG location is set to internal flash on your build
Automatic save...yes
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I'm guessing this won't work on the h2 or h1. v2.0.2 worked on h2 but I thought I'd ask with this.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
I'm guessing this won't work on the h2 or h1. v2.0.2 worked on h2 but I thought I'd ask with this.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
I don't support any H model unless it is the H2H when WooshBuild is released for it. Someone will be able to answer your question though as I don't know.

With that said, if you say v2.02 worked then I see no reason why this build will not work. Maybe you can be the tester and let me know? That would be handy so I can list what it will work on.

I can't answer any problems you may have though if it is not on a 2S
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well the box that hasn't recently bricked from use of v2.0.2 was the h2 it seems. it worked for a week or so and then I just couldn't turn it on. it will refash as it's only stuck in boot.. but it worked for a while seamlessly. I noticed it lag and lock up a little for a few days before it wouldn't turn in though.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
well the box that hasn't recently bricked from use of v2.0.2 was the h2 it seems. it worked for a week or so and then I just couldn't turn it on. it will refash as it's only stuck in boot.. but it worked for a while seamlessly. I noticed it lag and lock up a little for a few days before it wouldn't turn in though.
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Personally, I wouldn't if you think you have had problems as a result of the builds in the past.

well the box that hasn't recently bricked from use of v2.0.2 was the h2 it seems.
Sorry - Can't hold my tongue any more
What is this about? You have whined about every build on every thread and now you are accusing my build as bricking your box?

it will refash as it's only stuck in boot.. but it worked for a while seamlessly. I noticed it lag and lock up a little for a few days before it wouldn't turn in though.
So it isn't bricked? Just a boot loop. - Bricked means your box no longer works and resembles a brick. - A boot loop is exactly that- a constant looping of the boot process.

If the builds cause you so much hassle Maverick, please refrain from using them on none tested boxes and refrain from posting in my threads.
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Whoosh I've been stalking you all week to release this build and it's definitely worth the wait, thank you for all your hard work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whoosh I've been stalking you all week to release this build and it's definitely worth the wait, thank you for all your hard work.
Was it you in the black Vauxhaul Astra about 02:15 Saturday morning? I have had a lot of odd phone calls too where there has been no one there. And lastly, what do you know about the notes through my door?

"Release WooshBuild v3.01 for the Zgemma 2S now or we will steal your satellite dish!

Kind regards

You are most welcome. A couple of days late, but got there in the end!
Good job you released it tonight because I was about to come round with my sky TV uniform on [emoji23][emoji23].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok Woosh I am done, your build is spot on. Well done mate.

Thanks mate and for your input. Settings saved I will take a look at some.

---------- Post Merged at 11:57 PM ----------

Good job you released it tonight because I was about to come round with my sky TV uniform on [emoji23][emoji23].
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I prefer a woman in uniform but I suppose at midnight on a Sunday night you would have done :-p
Personally, I wouldn't if you think you have had problems as a result of the builds in the past.

well the box that hasn't recently bricked from use of v2.0.2 was the h2 it seems.
Sorry - Can't hold my tongue any more
What is this about? You have whined about every build on every thread and now you are accusing my build as bricking your box?

it will refash as it's only stuck in boot.. but it worked for a while seamlessly. I noticed it lag and lock up a little for a few days before it wouldn't turn in though.
So it isn't bricked? Just a boot loop. - Bricked means your box no longer works and resembles a brick. - A boot loop is exactly that- a constant looping of the boot process.

If the builds cause you so much hassle Maverick, please refrain from using them on none tested boxes and refrain from posting in my threads.
no whining. love your builds. bricked I think is me not understanding the correct terminology. I did have a problem with the build on my 2s but is did mention that could have been user error. I never once blamed you. regarding the h2 not working, I installed the s2 version to test it out so any hassle caused is my own fault. I'm really not digging at anything I can assure you. I think maybe you have misunderstood me or my intentions. I don't really know enough about this stuff to blame a build over user error. I was just looking for assistance.

I'm sorry you've taken that the wrong way though. Your builds are amazing. Clearly I need to word my posts better.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
transferring your line just got as easy as it can get
Thank you Wooshman, this is the very thing ive been looking for. After 4 days of trying to insert a line into my box using every guide and walkthrough i could find I was just about to give up.
Fingers crossed this will solve all my problems.
MaverickWar......Yes, your use of terminology could use some refining I think.

If you knew how much time and effort has gone into these builds you would understand the frustration by Wooshman re some of the comments that get posted.
Not everybody understands what goes on within these boxes and that is why the forum is such a great place to learn.
But rule no 1 is to read everything you can on the subject first and then to try it twice before you shout for help etc.
Only state base facts in a thread blog without apportioning blame for a mistake (unless it's your own !)
You will get help and sympathy a lot more then and will also increase your own knowledge and ability.
Your post was good to see and we all move onwards and upwards in this project !:smoke rings:
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