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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 73 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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Just to add to Wooshman's comments - you can use Filezilla to upload the cfg file and you can also edit the cfg file in Filezilla.
It's the Merseyside itv hd one that's gone/came on very briefly but very glichy .....others(london) seem.ok...any idea why?

Trying all options of getting itv to work seems to have now knocked out sly channels....very strange....very strange

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk

Sent from my SM-G928F using Tapatalk
OK, I finally got the ZGemma Star H2 to boot and install the software as described in Wooshbuild V3.03 guide, yep Wooshman was right. it was stuck in Bootloop and the USB Sticks were not Flashing the box. I finally figuired out the reason, I was formatting the sticks using an outdated version of hddguru, when I formatted using the latest HDDGURU version the USB Stick flash the box straight away.
I now have my zgemma working fine for FTA channels, but need to add my Newcamd.list file onto the box, but the USB cam installer won't recognise the file so I am stuck again. I have edited it and made sure the line starts with CWS =, but alas no joy, any suggestions please?
I have the option of doing the file transfer by FTP transfer, if anyone can give me the correct file location.
Turn on 'view file name extensions' in explorer and make sure the newcamd.list file hasn't got a txt extension.
FTP the file to usr/keys
Hi all,

Been using this for a month or so, top notch build, however this weekend the the pause record option is no longer working, initialised usb is the same as set up. Tried to amend storage location but no joy. Don't want to crash my box. Any ideas ? Or should I re initialise usb as per the set up guide?
Before doing anything and for pure ease, also with the box turned on, put a spare USB stick in the front port and then initialise it as per step 2. Make sure you initialise the correct one as you will have two in the list to choose from..... you cant actually initialise the one in the back because it will complain it is in use, but just be careful anyway.

Once it has been initialised, put the box into Deep Standby. Remove the rear USB and keep safe, then put the new usb into the back. Turn the box back on.

Test your functions now to see if that fixes it. If so you will need to do the stick your removed in the same way. But you will as you know loose what is on the original stick.
Hey all is anyone else having issues with Cross EPG in both stable and alpha?

it isnt downloaidng the EPG when i run the downloader it zips though it and ive still no epg data.
Sometimes these boxes just get there knickers in a twist. Especially usbs and hdds. I.e no space. Read only. Timeshift failed. Before anything else always try a full reboot first. Not just gui restart. You will be amazed how many problems it actually fixes without having to ask a question on here. If its still not functioning correctly after a reboot then something needs fixing
Got box, flashed basebuild then downloaded v3.03. Installed line and all is good in life after about 30mins of just playing and waiting for v4 official! Easy peezy, cheers Woosh/Benijofar/Kiddac + anyone else involved in making this happen!
After weeks of trying to set my box up myself and going around in circles with my wife thinking I've wasted money on a useless piece of technology, I finally caved in and put wooshbuild on. Wish I done it in the first place, it's fantastic. Whilst I feel like a failure, my wife thanks you deeply.
Now to buy another box so I can keep playing while she's happy watching her programs.
Thanks wooshman.
Hi,have installed wooshbuild V3.00.I'm using VM
under ABM when I finish scan and open any folder like sports all the channels are faded and when I chose any channel it doesn't work.
I'm thinking since I have VM and ABM is set to 28.2E which I believe its for satellite.
any help would be appreciated.
my wife thanks you deeply.
I only do it for the ladies really :-)

---------- Post Merged at 03:37 PM ----------

Hi,have installed wooshbuild V3.00.I'm using VM
under ABM when I finish scan and open any folder like sports all the channels are faded and when I chose any channel it doesn't work.
I'm thinking since I have VM and ABM is set to 28.2E which I believe its for satellite.
any help would be appreciated.

I think you have installed v3.03 for the Zgemma H2S and not the H2H version of the build

When you goto Flash online, the menu should show H2S as the top followed by

-------- Latest H2H WooshBuild --------

With v3.03 here.
yes you're right,i did that because when I tried to use the H2H one it wouldn't scan
so I tried the H2S and it scanned.
so what do I do in this case

---------- Post Merged at 05:54 PM ----------

I just tried to flash online for H2H and this is what I got:
Great job Wooshman!
All done in no time.
Any suggestions as to what is the best IPTV and VOD players to use?
Have tried Kodi but its a bit clunky.
Many thanks!
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