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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1 | Page 66 | Techkings
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WooshBuild v3.00 + USB Cam Transfer Plugin + BaseBuild - OpenATV 5.1

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which text??

epg text (show grid)
epg/menu/timeline font size

channel name
epg/menu/event font size

Epg Description info Size

Change text size from 25 to 18 or too a different size

ftp to


<screen name="EPGPIGProgramNowDescription">
<widget source="Event" render="Label" position="60,110" size="800,117" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" font="skymed;25" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="1">
<convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>


<screen name="EPGPIGProgramNowDescription">
<widget source="Event" render="Label" position="60,110" size="800,117" foregroundColor="white" backgroundColor="backgroundtop" font="skymed;18" transparent="1" valign="top" zPosition="1">
<convert type="EventName">FullDescription</convert>
Jesus, this is the slyk skin thread, sorry, I must have clicked the wrong thread.....

As per Willo, all of he font sizes you need are set via various menus. As standard, I have pretty much most set to -2 to wind kiddac up, he has made the skin perfect for font size set to 0. Enlarge if needed.
So we know BT Sport seem to have changed their encryption and now i need to channel swap for the SD ones... this is what's in my custom_swap.txt

#BT Sports/ESPN

I've done a NIT scan, and they wont swap around.. any ideas?

That's the standard swaps to replace SD with HD, either remove the entries or put a # at the start of each line so they are ignored by the software when scanned.


you should just be able to delete or put a # at the start of each hd channel from the **********.txt file
I use autobouqetesmaker (instead of E2) Got the BT HD Gone problem (using the woosh build tho) and done a delete all bouqetes and a re-scan and they still not on in HD Guess it's a waiting game?
Thank you wooshman, all set up apart from a couple of things such as picons, not seeing the ones you have mention but I know I have read someone else had the problems I need to fix so am going back through the thread to find the answers.

thanks again
Any SRP picons should work, but need to be SRP. The ones in the instructions are normally second or third from the bottom of the SRP section of picons.
I'm waiting for my box to arrive and will flash wooshbuild when it comes looks easier to add a line. I've got an nbox 5800 so hopefully shouldn't be too hard.
Any SRP picons should work, but need to be SRP. The ones in the instructions are normally second or third from the bottom of the SRP section of picons.
all sorted, picons working, all channels bouquets renamed, moved regional bbc1 and itv to 101/103 as her indoors is used to going to 101 for local news etc, now time to play.

thanks again
BT Sports HD gone

OK, so BT Sport HD channels have departed. But we still have SD.

How do you swap them? Well, we actually un-swap them.

No matter what method you use (FTP, Dream Explorer plugin, Computer network to your box) you need to open the following location on your box:


and you need to open: custom_swap.txt You can open it with Wordpad using windows or something else on a Mac lol.

Locate the section which starts:

#BT Sports/ESPN

And you need to add the # to the following lines:


Once done, save the file.
Now open **********.txt in the same location as above and locate and # each line like below.

#BT Sport 1 HD

#BT Sport 2 HD

#BT Spt Eur HD


Save the file.

Now do a Nit scan using AutoBouquet E2.
Green button -> AutoBouquet E2 -> OK button twice.

Your EPG should now have BT Sport SD channels back to where they came from. And the HD channels have been removed from the EPG.

If you cannot do the above or it doesn't work - DO NOT POST IN HERE -please look to see if a thread has already been started and post in that where you can be given help. This IS NOT a channel swap support thread
Last edited:
Cheers Wooshman ...all sorted da man!!

---------- Post Merged at 08:02 AM ----------

Hi Gang,
Hope we are all well this sunny morning!!
Wee question....I did a service scan yesterday looking for the now defunct BT HD channels I also ran AB i have 4 digits in front of the channel name as well as the 3 normal numbers
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of them please?
I hope this makes sense lol
Hi guys. So, after hunting high and low Hopefully someone can be of help. First time I've done this so bear with me. So, I have installed wooshbuild on my Zgemma star 2s. So far so good. EPG and 'Sly' layout is perfect, but only the freeview channels are presently working. My problem is in trying to get my zgemma box to find the line that will open up all the other channels. I have converted the cline provided(I received the cline as text via email) to a cfg file then dragged it onto a USB stick. According to a few tutorials that I have read the USB cam importer on wooshbuild is the easiest way to get your line up and running. I am struggling with step 7 on the tutorial (below)

After following the instructions(step 7) I get a message on screen saying'Your CCcam.cfg file has been copied succesfully. . CCam has automatically started'.
The problem is that none of the additional channels work after this procedure, just a blank screen on premium Surely I should be able to see the line in the soft cam panel at this point, whether it has been started or not? When I go into my softcam panel the cline that I've just been told has been copied succesfully is nowhere to be seen.
Am I missing something obvious? Do I need to download a specific plug in for it to work? When I went into "plug ins" and looked for cams to download there was a load of them all with different version numbers, so I downloaded a few of them hoping by law of averages one of them would do the trick, but I'm pissing in the wind really.
All part of the learning curve I guess! Any pointers would be much appreciated, and sorry for the length of the message.
Couldn't find a shorter way of putting it.
Cheers in advance.
Downloaded the basebuild but folder but within zgemma folder I have sh1 folder - have I got the right download - thanks

You have downloaded the wrong basebuild.
Correct one is below and will contain an h3 folder within the zgemma file.

---------- Post Merged at 02:51 PM ----------

Hey Mr Whoosh, any spoilers you're able to give us regarding version 4 features / improvements?

Read post 1273 in this thread for a brief outline of what will be new and included in V4.
Regarding BT HD channels going I've done as was mention above to move my sd channels but I'm finding that I can only get BT SPORT 1 BT Europe but I can't get BT Sport 2 or BT Sport/Espn.
I had this issue before I moved the channels..... is it a line issue?
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