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Wooshbuild Support Thread

Hey Mr Woosh,here's one for you......will you be doing a wooshbuild for the new H7S. at the moment it's a deal breaker as i couldn't cope witour wooshbuild :( lol
I will be yes. I have a box here but due to working on the next instalment I haven't released WB6 for it. Could do I suppose.

Buy me a box? Don't get @makido started with buying boxes.
Well I was going to say in reply to Ad that you wouldnt let him to that. But I could pm him him my address if he liked cos I would :D:D
I do have a bit of an obsession like I must admit
Make sure you uninstall it from the remove plugins screen and restart your box (twice to be sure lol)

Hi Woosman. I deleted AB2 as suggested and double restarted to ensure it was realy deleted. Unfortuanly I still get the critical scanning error when the abm tries to scan 13E for N+. Totally confused. also unable to update abm to latest version. I seem to be using abm 2.5 and I think there is now abm 2.7. ive tried going to the abm website but have ended up being even more confused. deleing abm from my plugins and then reinstalling also does not give me the latest version.
Would you happen to Know where I can get an ABM 2.7 ipk file from. wandering if this is the issue.
I have just downloaded 2.7 from the plugins on the H2S without issue.

There is nothing in WB which will stop any plugins from installing. I will flash WB 6 later on the h2s and see what gets installed when I select ABM, but have a feeling your box is being a sod.

Reflash, remove ABE2, restart, install ABM from system plugins and see what you get before you do anything else.
I have just downloaded 2.7 from the plugins on the H2S without issue.

There is nothing in WB which will stop any plugins from installing. I will flash WB 6 later on the h2s and see what gets installed when I select ABM, but have a feeling your box is being a sod.

Reflash, remove ABE2, restart, install ABM from system plugins and see what you get before you do anything else.

my understanding of abm is that it needs the latest firmware to run the latest abm. for eg when I was using open atv 5.3 on my vu+ even though it was able to scan in N+ on 13E I was unable to update the config files of the abm and kept getting a message saying ABM 2.5 < 2.7 that I was running ABM 2.5 and needed to update to the latest abm 2.7.
I could not update the abm until I upgraded the firmware from openatv 5.3 to open atv 6.00 at this point abm 2.7 then appeared in the feeds and ran perfectly and I was able to update the config files without a problem.
under open atv 5.3 only abm 2.5 appears in the download feeds. I tried to do some research into this and it seems that latest versions of abm feeds in openatv only appear in the latest version of openatv.
this goes back to my original query concerning first generation boxes of the zgemma ie h1, S, and 2S . I have the h1 and some friends have the s and some have the 2s. we are all running wooshbuild 5 with open atv5.3 and we all have problems scanning in N+ on 13E , we all have abm2.5 and are unable to update to 2.7.
another thing that I noticed on my VU+ running open atv 6 with abm 2.7 is that on scanning 28.E it now just gives me the skeleton service which is left on 28E which is very convenient hence its eliminated all the non working channels.
I think my next test will just be to load a straight version of openatv 6 on to my h1 and then try loading the abm from the download plugin feeds and see if I get abm 2.7 and try scanning 13E to see if it works.

Thanks for your continued support hope we can solve this issue.
maybe if you have an older zgemma ie h1,s,2s at your disposal then you may see what im trying to describe. sorry for the long winded message
Shut ya face and sort out a 3 letter Day in the EPG. While you are there cocking up the skin bring the volume forwards too please.

The date in the timeline text widget of the EPG Graphical screen is defined in the epg and not skin.xml

It has to be altered there to get it to the preferred format and you know hw much I hate playing with python files.

The volume depth is an easy issue mate. I will do that for you.

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Flashed a zgemma star s with wooshbuild v5.3 , has all the latest updates but I can remove the non working sky channels from the EPG.

I have the correct settings in WB config screen i.e set to yes , run AB scan again and they still appear!!

Thoughts anyone as so frustrating. I have even reflashed but still same issue.


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