Hi I have recently bought the i55 and put wooshbuild on there. I have several issues if anyone could please help me...
1. I moved my channels around in the bouquets to my liking, I have turned the auto bouquets update off, however when the box restarts gui it sets the bouquets back to their original state, is there a setting to turn this off?
2. When you have a channel on and you press select to see the channel and what's on it, how do I get it to show the channel number as well
3. When typing in the channel number it doesn't actually show on the screen, I.e if I want to type in 152 for sky sports 1 I wouldn't know that the box has recognised that I've typed those numbers until the channel has actually changed?
4. How do I get picons on?
5. Any advice on how to record? I have a multiroom subscription but not figured it out.
If anyone could help me out with these issues I'd be very grateful