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WilloBuild Willowbuild - adding iptv provider

I've installed a plugin JediEPGXtream - hopefully thats the right one.
I can navigate to etc/enigma2/ - but the jeditplaylists isn't there? Have I installed the correct plugin and/ or should I just create the folder jediplaylists?

Thanks for the help
no that is wrong plugin it is jedimakerxtream not jediepgxtream, but I would go with Bouquets Maker xtream
no that is wrong plugin it is jedimakerxtream not jediepgxtream, but I would go with Bouquets Maker xtream
Thanks - I did use jedimakerxtream - it brought all the channels in, but no descriptions of whats on each channel?
I've downloaded bouquets maker xtream. Within the settings I've found the location to store the M3U settings - but not sure what to name the new text file?
Thanks - I did use jedimakerxtream - it brought all the channels in, but no descriptions of whats on each channel?
I've downloaded bouquets maker xtream. Within the settings I've found the location to store the M3U settings - but not sure what to name the new text file?
During setup, it asks if you want to use your provider epg, this should be set to yes.

Then open epgimporter.
Click sources.

Put a green tick in your providers epg source.
Save and exit.
Then import epg
Thanks - I did use jedimakerxtream - it brought all the channels in, but no descriptions of whats on each channel?
I've downloaded bouquets maker xtream. Within the settings I've found the location to store the M3U settings - but not sure what to name the new text file?
Better off using a playlists.text file than an m3u
During setup, it asks if you want to use your provider epg, this should be set to yes.

Then open epgimporter.
Click sources.

Put a green tick in your providers epg source.
Save and exit.
Then import epg
Thanks - I tried this - seemed to work OK while processing (brought in above 195k events) - but the epg still shows no desciptions for each channel?
I tried restarting the box - but difference?
Thanks - I tried this - seemed to work OK while processing (brought in above 195k events) - but the epg still shows no desciptions for each channel?
I tried restarting the box - but difference?
The epg needs to save to a usb or hdd.
It asks this in epgimporter settings, make sure there's enough space on the media to store it
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