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what serie's are you watching

Homicide hunter, can't beat Joe Kenda, when questioning a murder witness...'if you're looking for sympathy look in a dictionary, it's between sh!t and syphilis' - class!
what's people watching or into at the moment?

cant wait for season 4 of Game of Throne's to start next sunday :)

watched the first season of khlondike on thursday just gone and looking forward to the next one, hopefully a new season of gold rush should be coming soon.

white gold.. really funny.about selling double glazing in 80's cppl of the cast of Inbetweeners star.. oh and the music is excellent..
I'm currently watching House Of Cards - just finished season 2... it's not a bad show but not the best i've watched.
Some of my recommendations (Crime/espionage etc) -

24 (The earlier seasons)
The Unit
Flash point
Chicago Fire
The Wire
Breaking Bad

For the Super Hero fans, I think the best ones are -

Arrow, Daredevil, Gotham, Marvel's Agent of Shield (Flash is good too).

Supernatural Types

Supernatural (Although the early seasons are leagues ahead of the rest), The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf (First Seasons).

Science Fiction -

Person of Interest.
Warehouse 13
Here is a decent site to see whats currently on and when in for us tv series

To keep track of whats on when,

You can search for torrents and will communicate with the more popular torrent clients but only shows series you have added but for those its great :)

Link -
Some of my recommendations (Crime/espionage etc) -

24 (The earlier seasons)
The Unit
Flash point
Chicago Fire
The Wire
Breaking Bad

For the Super Hero fans, I think the best ones are -

Arrow, Daredevil, Gotham, Marvel's Agent of Shield (Flash is good too).

Supernatural Types

Supernatural (Although the early seasons are leagues ahead of the rest), The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf (First Seasons).

Science Fiction -

Person of Interest.
Warehouse 13

I love 24 - the new season wasn't too bad also.

Can't get enough of Breaking Bad - just watched them all for a 3 time over after Better Call Saul season 3 finished :D

Will take a look at your other suggestions - you list Warehouse 13 as Science Fiction but I watched a few episodes a while back and thought it was more Supernatural.
The categories are prolly debatable but were intended as some sort of guide of what to expect as not everyone likes certain genres of movies or tv shows :) They are by no means set in stone...

Let me know what you think, you mean the new 24:Legacy? It was alright but the story lines and twists are becoming predictable... How many times has CTU been infiltrated.... and one of the employees coherent...

Banshee, Flash point and the unit id recommend mainly for you given your feedback.
what's people watching or into at the moment?

cant wait for season 4 of Game of Throne's to start next sunday :)

watched the first season of khlondike on thursday just gone and looking forward to the next one, hopefully a new season of gold rush should be coming soon.
what's people watching or into at the moment?

cant wait for season 4 of Game of Throne's to start next sunday :)

watched the first season of khlondike on thursday just gone and looking forward to the next one, hopefully a new season of gold rush should be coming soon.
l've just started watching new games of thrones and new show called glow off Netflix.
Favourite shows are vikings, walking dead, blacklist, peaky blinders.
Looking forward to stranger things 2
Chicago fire Chicago pd ransom law and order svu hawaii five o and just started watching that London fire brigade thing on itv
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