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what serie's are you watching

Tried watching the german show "Dark" but after 3 episodes gave up on it.

Not into it at all. Just not feeling it and when that is the case you just got to forget it.

Get its heavily rated but dont see why.
True detective rivetting stuff, even the music score was brilliant!! Watched all three and bought the music! Nevermind!!
To be honest I preferred series 3 the best, but thats just me I think, great acting I thought in all the series, great stories that kept me wanting to watch the next episode there and then.
Thanks for the heads up fellas. Don't fancy shows with loads of series/seasons too much to catch up om. Liked killing eve but now its gone crap, overkill and confusing crap worra shame. Will look into the ones mentioned but prefer british hard hitting stuff this american stuff just doesn't pull my chain at all.
Downloaded loads of chernobyl episodes only to bin em all after 30 minutes absolute crap shot on a budget of £100 in the dark complete rubbish!
After life series 2
If you watched 1st series, you either loved or loathed it.

Whilst Henry rebuilds my home

I have watched 3 episodes, writing is excellent.. 9/10
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