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what serie's are you watching

dont know how to say this,but,this canadian is watching every mrs browns boys epi that he can find.ive watched so friggen much that ive had irish friends comment on my irish
dont know how to say this,but,this canadian is watching every mrs browns boys epi that he can find.ive watched so friggen much that ive had irish friends comment on my irish
thats one thing i couldnt get into sorry
part 2 of money heist has just came up on Netflix

part one was made up of 13 eps
part two is made of 10 eps i think

but its very cleaver
started riverdale there, but not getting in to it
got to s01e05

heard good things about it
is it worth sticking with it
If you guys haven't had a watch at 'Mr.Robot', i would say give it a go, amazing series and relates to what i'm interested in also.
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