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What are you currently listening to on YouTube

Dave - all of your posts are hidden from Pablo, and all of his should be hidden from you.

If you are choosing to open them, then it is your problem.

You were both asked to stay away from one another, and as far as I can see, he has, you haven't, as you have mentioned him in your post.

Please abide by the ruling that was made by the boss.

Just chill out mate when you’re not signed in you can see everything, so I can see more than you :smiley:

Dont believe your own hype, you see nothing but what you want, I see people trying to start quarrels, and put a stop to it.
It wont be tolerated, so stop before it gets going, thanks.

@wheelo do you have any tunes mate :smiley:


Not at that hour of the night I didn't, I was in work at 0430 today.


A song from my yoof

Live from Red Rocks - U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday

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