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VU+ SOLO 2 STUCK ON STARTING | Page 3 | Techkings
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Not sure why i have this issue but i have two boxes. One h2s upstairs with wooshbuild and a vu+ solo2 downstairs. On my h2s i have channel 404 as sky sports 4 Ro and have sky sports box office on 491 but on my vu+ box channel 404 is just sky sports 4 not Ro and i dont have a channel 491. The last sports channel on vu+ is 490 boxnationHD. I know skysports box is no longer working but i can't understand why the channels are different. I even did a autobouquets E2 scan on both boxes and nothing changes

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Even more strange

On my friends zgemma star2s she reflashed via latest wb config and in her sports bouquet she has channel 404 as skysports 4 roi but unlike my h2s she doesn't have skysports box office 491. Her last channel is the same as on my vu+

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well , My Vu solo 2 stucks on " starting.. " I had flashed openatv 7.1 online via software management and after it has flash completed , I had to choice to install dual boot or exit . I tried to exit , but the hourglass kept turning and turning, so at the end I just switched the power off, I need to say , I have a usb stick which I use as HDD, so when I turned the power switch back on , I got "starting .." directly , and stayed like this for an hour, I shut down the solo 2 and then I took the usb in the back out , then I got a new image and try to flash it via the front USB, normally I should get the info " press power " to launch the new image , but it shows starting.. directly , if I press the power button directly after switching the power on , I see that the front USB is shortly switched on , but " starting .. I tried 2 different USB sticks ---- is still shown again , is there a hard reset somewhere , since it has not booted yet , I cannot access it with telnet either does anyone had this problem before
tx for any help , I hope my box is not a total lost ?
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