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there is no software here in this forum?
i have seen something seen about 1.45 with powervu here in this forum
but i can not download it?
its not for my box? i have viark droi 4k
and why you have nova working? you have a different box as me?
software to watch nova for sure coming also for my box soon? or not?
you can not send me attatchment? or send it here when its aviable
so at moment realy not software aviable?
but coming soon or not?
si did not use my box since 2 months, since when nova is down, since 1 week?
Please understand we are all just members here and have no direct contact with the makers of the boxes. Viark have released software for various boxes to upgrade to server 1.45. It has not been release for your box so no one can give it to you. Please be patient and hopefully it will arrive in due coarse. Please don't keep asking for it.
ok last post , sorry last post
so i can not google 1.45 for viark droi 4k combo
not necessary? there is no software at moment on internet for my box?
but you think there is coming soon atomatically on my box? last time it was coming automatically on my box with 1.43
can you be a good friend and put it here on attatchment so far as when software for my box will be aviable? thanks for confirm
can you be a good friend and put it here on attatchment so far as when software for my box will be aviable?
See attached

And with viark sat 4K uhd nova working?
If yes I will buy tomorrow for 175 euros this box here in Swiss shop

Iinstalation is easy and update with usb on this box ?
Have to buy first new box, in 4-5 days I have viark sat 4K hd
Can you mail me software ? That would be nice
And installation is easy? Can you mail me a little step by step guide
Now news about droi 1.36 ?
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Thanks much
Now I know how to do it it’s easy thanks
But i have to wait 9 days for new box ( sat 4K uhd) coming with postal
And then I need activation a new
Can you give me a link for fully activation with nova Greek hotbird ?

Aniway, I Hope that this end of week new viark droi 1.36 firm will be realesed , or not ?
this Box I have here at home with fully activation ready !
Thanks much
Now I know how to do it it’s easy thanks
But i have to wait 9 days for new box ( sat 4K uhd) coming with postal
And then I need activation a new
Can you give me a link for fully activation with nova Greek hotbird ?

Aniway, I Hope that this end of week new viark droi 1.36 firm will be realesed , or not ?
this Box I have here at home with fully activation ready !
You need to read the thread slowly ferret has given you the link in post 6972 above. ^^^ for the latest software for the sat 4k. Once you put the software on the box nova should open.
When I make verification with serial number with this link ,
It will open only sky or all channels ?
I need nova Greek !
Can you give me link for activation with nova Greek and skyuk and everything
Or open me all channels ?
And how long activation needs (3-4 h ) ?
And all this not have to pay anything for it ?
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When I make verification with serial number with this link ,
It will open only sky or all channels ?
I need nova Greek !
Can you give me link for activation with nova Greek and skyuk and everything
Or open me all channels ?
And how long activation needs (3-4 h ) ?
And all this not have to pay anything for it ?
Once you put the new software on the box it will give you 3 years access to the basic server. Nova might be part of the basic server. You only need to upgrade to sp1 if you want the sky channels. If you do upgrade to sp1 you lose one year from your sever length. It only takes a matter of minutes when you upgrade not hours.
When I make verification with serial number with this link ,
It will open only sky or all channels ?
I need nova Greek !
Can you give me link for activation with nova Greek and skyuk and everything
Or open me all channels ?
And how long activation needs (3-4 h ) ?
And all this not have to pay anything for it ?
You have nothing more to pay.

Just install PT1.20 Nova will clear and you have 3 years subscription, if you want SKY DE and UK then you convert for free with your serial number inserted in to the link as the excellent guide from kegnkiwi shows you, at that point your sub is upgraded from basic to SP and is reduced to 2 years.
No news about viark droi new update ? Nova Greek still not work in droi ?
No problem, next week I will have for sure my viark sat 4K ! It’s coming soon with postal
Is viark combo same receiver as viark sat 4K or better ?
And what us viark LIL2 , is that cool box ? Nova working there ? I have seen for 99 euros
And sky Italy in not any box working, right ?
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No news about viark droi new update ? Nova Greek still not work in droi ?
No problem, next week I will have for sure my viark sat 4K ! It’s coming soon with postal
Is viark combo same receiver as viark sat 4K or better ?
And what us viark LIL2 , is that cool box ? Nova working there ? I have seen for 99 euros
And sky Italy in not any box working, right ?
Lil2 is on a different server and is intended for the spanish market.

Sky IT is not open.

The Combo is HD only and has cable/dvb tuner as well as a sat tuner.
So it’s ok if I only bought viark sat 4K , I not need more box , right ?
And what is drs2 , nova works there?
Problem is I have to wait 2-3 weeks still box is here with postal
Hope new software will working for 3-4 months
Totaltv 16 east working on droi or sat 4K ?

And for my old droi, wich I have here at home ,
You think there is still a hope that new viark droi 1.36 coming this week I next ?
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So it’s ok if I only bought viark sat 4K , I not need more box , right ?
And what is drs2 , nova works there?
Problem is I have to wait 2-3 weeks still box is here with postal
Hope new software will working for 3-4 months
Totaltv 16 east working on droi or sat 4K ?

And for my old droi, wich I have here at home ,
You think there is still a hope that new viark droi 1.36 coming this week I next ?
DRS2 is no longer made.

The droi will get an update it just a matter of waiting.
I know this is a bit of a wild goose chase but a friend of mines’ V8uhd has just died whilst watching the football yesterday.He has tried a different power supply but it’s still as dead as a dodo - nothing at all on the display panel.Any suggestions that we could try?
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