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Has anybody tried this channel editor .

Excel editor of Channels for V8UHD

I share an excel file that allow to perform following actions for V8UHD:
- to order TV and Radio channels.
- to modify the name of each channel.
- to verify and modify favorite channels.
- to verify and modify locked channels.
And, after a new blind scan:
- to show new channels.
- to show channels previously present but no more found in the new scan.

Upload the channels from V8UHD to an USB pen and note the name of the file (e.g. Channels.sdx).
Insert the USB pen in your PC.
Open the Excel File V8UHDSortV2.xlsm and allow the use of macros.
In sheet "TV", cell N1, write the full path of the .sdx file you created.
In sheet "TV", press the button "Input Data": TV channels are listed in sheet "TV" and radio channels are listed in sheet "Radio" in the order you have in your decoder.

- to order TV and Radio channels: cut and paste the line you want to move.
It's not necessary to manually change the number in column B.
It's also possible to delete a line.
Don't leave empty lines in the table.

- to modify the name of each channel: write the name you prefer in the cell in column C.

- to verify and modify favorite channels: the 8 groups of favorite channels are columns from D to K.
If a cell is empty, the cannell is not in the favorite list.
If there is "1" in the cell, the channel is in the favorite list.
You can write or delete "1" in the cells as you prefer.

- to verify and modify locked channels: if the channel is locked there is "1" in column L.
You can write or delete "1" in the cell as you prefer.

After you completed all changes in "TV" sheet, press the button "Apply Changes" in "TV" sheet.
After you completed all changes in "Radio" sheet, press the button "Apply Changes" in "Radio" sheet.
In sheet "Radio", cell N1, write the full path of the new .sdx file you want to create with all changes.
In sheet "Radio", press the button "Output Data": the new .sdx file will be created.
You can put the new .sdx file in your USB pen and upload it in your V8UHD.

After you verified everithing is ok, you can copy the list of TV channels from sheet "TV" to sheet "TV-old" and from sheet "Radio" to sheet "Radio-old".
The next time you will make a blind scan on your V8UHD, when you press the "Input Data" button you will find both in "TV" sheet and "Radio" sheet:
- green lines: channels present in new scan and in old list; number, favorite preferences and lock preference are copied from old list.
- red lines: channels not present in new scan but present in old list; number, favorite preferences and lock preference are copied from old list.
- black lines: channels present in new scan and not present in old list.
In this way you can keep all the old preferences and modify only the black lines as you prefer.

I hope it may be useful for those who prefer to make changes on a PC rather that on the remote control of the decoder.


hi guys years up on 8uhd and looking to viark 4k in the uk new ... any good shops or where to buy ... thanx

I bought mine from a "Sat royal monarch (man)" in germany. €169 all in (they charged cost (minus vat )plus P+P> UK customs did not charge in duties. Ordered and delivered within a few days. PM if you want the retailer name.

hi guys years up on 8uhd and looking to viark 4k in the uk new ... any good shops or where to buy ... thanx

Hard to find in the UK most of us got them from Spain via Orbitadigital arrived in 3 days.

They do occasionally pop up on Amazon but usually at inflated prices.
There is the viark sat, viark sat 4k and the qviart dual 4k although you have the buy sp1 on the dual but it does dual boot android and E2.

Cost wise am favouring the Sat 4k ,
Reading your guide , so how many yrs do you get before conversion and it reduces to how many?
Took me a while to get used to the GT Media but that was straightforward regarding purchasing a MARS line.

Guess I'll learn about which PT fw to install etc.
Any places got to Sat 4k in stock
Cost wise am favouring the Sat 4k ,
Reading your guide , so how many yrs do you get before conversion and it reduces to how many?
Took me a while to get used to the GT Media but that was straightforward regarding purchasing a MARS line.

Guess I'll learn about which PT fw to install etc.
Any places got to Sat 4k in stock
You load the last PT firmware at this time 1.18.

You can find these in the download section.
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