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Vaping chat- anything related to vaping

@makido if e cig like a dummy to you you need to super glue it to your lips lmfao but we'll done 12 days I only lasted 2 weeks without a fag but people round me smoking didn't help
The other half dont smoke he never has, so guess its easier for me that way as I am not constantly around it
Not to sure how I will get on when ive had a drink though or watching Liverpool especially European nights cos im usually a nervous wreck 🤣
100ml 7.2% nicotine - £10.00 (all in with postage)

To put it into perspective, the huge saving your making when making your own vape, this made me over 2.5 litres of 3% vape, I say over as instead of putting 10 drops (72%) in 1 x 250ml juice, i've started to only put 6 drops in, so that probably brings my nic strength down to under 2% :)

To buy the same equivalent in the shops, you'd need x 40 nic shots....! £40.00

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100ml 7.2% nicotine - £10.00 (all in with postage)

To put it into perspective, the huge saving your making when making your own vape, this made me over 2.5 litres of 3% vape, I say over as instead of putting 10 drops (72%) in 1 x 250ml juice, i've started to only put 6 drops in, so that probably brings my nic strength down to under 2% :)

To buy the same equivalent in the shops, you'd need x 40 nic shots....! £40.00


Just made 300ml+ of ~3%
150ml VG £1.50
150ml PG £1.50
30ml Flavour £10
12.5ml 72% Nic 75p
Give it a good shake in the bottle, leave it standing in a jug of hot water for 20 mins
another good shake up and leave it for 48hrs to settle
£13.75 for 300ml or 45.8p per 10ml bottle
you can get 5 (yes five) litres for a £10.00 of VG or PG if that'll help bring your costs down. :)

I use the PG as my flavour comes in 50ml concentrate. so when it's mixed it makes it 80/30

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I get 500ml bottle for a fiver, keep meaning to buy bigger bottles, where do you order that from?
300ml lasts me about 4 weeks so a litre (500 pg and 500 vg) will last me around 4 months
I was having since 2014 but last year I had a problem in breathing and Doctor told me that it's because of Vaping so I left :(
I still miss vaping
Looking for some help from the vapeing community,when I started,I got Coca Cola 6 mg in a 10 mill bottle. Now it's hard to even get Coca Cola , and when you can it doesn't taste like the original Coca Cola,has anyone got or is anyone using Coca-Cola and where do you get it ,thanks ....
I was vaping since 2014 but last year I had a problem in breathing and Doctor told me that it's because of Vaping so I left :(
I still miss vaping

Me too, vaping for 7 years and ended up having to use an inhaler to get a breath!
Probably due to the coffee and cinnamon flavours that I used to get down me and still on 24mg nicotine 🤔
Yeah I’m currently on blue raspberry ice 50/50 nic salt using the nord 2 with a 0.8 mtl coil and is very nice
I’m new to vaping and I’m trying to get a closer match to the disposable geek bar’s that I’ve been using over the past few weeks
The flavour from the geek bar’s are really nice
Anyone tried them
Anyone know what would be the best device and juice to use to get the same match as the disposable bar’s
Yeah I’m currently on blue raspberry ice 50/50 nic salt using the nord 2 with a 0.8 mtl coil and is very nice
I’m new to vaping and I’m trying to get a closer match to the disposable geek bar’s that I’ve been using over the past few weeks
The flavour from the geek bar’s are really nice
Anyone tried them
Anyone know what would be the best device and juice to use to get the same match as the disposable bar’s

yes tried the geek bars. we sell them in our shop as well as geek bar pros and elf bars. very very popular especially with the young ish ones who cant be bothered with coils,atomisers and own liquids etc
Yeah the elf bar’s are good
Love the blue raz lemonade
Can we get these same flavours to vape with the same strength flavour. Yep agree the disposable vape bar’s are attracting the young ones and that’s not a good thing
Maybe they should have made them all the same colour like a dull colour gray or black instead of making them bright colours so not to attract attention to them
But hopefully the vendors won’t sell them to the under age
So do you have any advice as to what the best device and coil and juice to use to best replicate these bar’s
I’m using the smok nord 2 but have heard of the caliburn pod and others
What would you recommend
Try going to shops like HOME BARGAINS,now they do the big 50 mg bottles now for around £4,then add your little nicotine shots into it at 75 p. So say you like a 6 mg strength liquid,you would add 2 bottles of nicotine shot,this maybe of use to willo to get his nic level down,I started high and found it far far easier to lower the strength if you liked the taste, the nicotine bottles are around 18 mg in strength,but shops all mainly keep the one bottle which is the 18 mg. A cracking taste is strawberry ice,cherry breeze ice,and Coca Cola,just found it in the big chain shops £1 bottle. I use 2 vape pens and both give totally different vape experiences,a pcckex aspire,and also the little cheap atomiser with the 2 wicks at £1 each and a little basic battery, at £3 .funny enough the little cheap boy gives you a great smoke,as it doesn’t fry the liquid and the taste is brilliant wick atomisers are everywhere at a pound,now hop over to the acrer pockex at £25 which is a longer lasting pen experience and real good mouth to throat hit and tastes very good,I’ve als bought vape pens at £125 ( real bad buy) and had the big beast tank,you didn’t refill it for 3 days and battery life was a week,but they are big and clunky,sort of carrying around a hand grenade and the battery life is not great.mine died after 6 months and they wanted a lot for brand new ones,so kept the tank and binned the rest,there is not much difference between 24 and 16 mg,the secret is getting the right flavourful hit👍keep away from tobacco flavours thats your very first goal,then find what you would enjoy a drink with,alcohol or Tea,keep to 2 favourite flavours then lower say after 2 or 3 months to 11 mg then down to 6mg and stay on 6mg,3 mg is the holy grail but I like a bit of a draw and 6 is in the low bracket.That’s how I done it,fags have long long gone,thank god. Just before I go, I seen a fella in the local shop yesterday buy a packet of benson and hedges,MY OLD FAVOURITE,the lady calmly asked him for £14 which he very gratefully handed over. Rather him than me.👍
Try going to shops like HOME BARGAINS,now they do the big 50 mg bottles now for around £4,then add your little nicotine shots into it at 75 p. So say you like a 6 mg strength liquid,you would add 2 bottles of nicotine shot,this maybe of use to willo to get his nic level down,I started high and found it far far easier to lower the strength if you liked the taste, the nicotine bottles are around 18 mg in strength,but shops all mainly keep the one bottle which is the 18 mg. A cracking taste is strawberry ice,cherry breeze ice,and Coca Cola,just found it in the big chain shops £1 bottle. I use 2 vape pens and both give totally different vape experiences,a pcckex aspire,and also the little cheap atomiser with the 2 wicks at £1 each and a little basic battery, at £3 .funny enough the little cheap boy gives you a great smoke,as it doesn’t fry the liquid and the taste is brilliant wick atomisers are everywhere at a pound,now hop over to the acrer pockex at £25 which is a longer lasting pen experience and real good mouth to throat hit and tastes very good,I’ve als bought vape pens at £125 ( real bad buy) and had the big beast tank,you didn’t refill it for 3 days and battery life was a week,but they are big and clunky,sort of carrying around a hand grenade and the battery life is not great.mine died after 6 months and they wanted a lot for brand new ones,so kept the tank and binned the rest,there is not much difference between 24 and 16 mg,the secret is getting the right flavourful hit👍keep away from tobacco flavours thats your very first goal,then find what you would enjoy a drink with,alcohol or Tea,keep to 2 favourite flavours then lower say after 2 or 3 months to 11 mg then down to 6mg and stay on 6mg,3 mg is the holy grail but I like a bit of a draw and 6 is in the low bracket.That’s how I done it,fags have long long gone,thank god. Just before I go, I seen a fella in the local shop yesterday buy a packet of benson and hedges,MY OLD FAVOURITE,the lady calmly asked him for £14 which he very gratefully handed over. Rather him than me.👍
I pay £25 for 100 fags fekk paying shop prices and these are shop fags that I buy (duty free) I would love to go back to ecig but I would be on the 18mg nicotine ones my favourite was heizenburg and black jack flavour.
I did try the tobacco ones but they just made me want a fag.

EDIT I’ve now been an bought a new ecig for £20 and got 6 bottles of vampire vape have to say the pink man ice has a really smooth taste started it Monday so been vaping for 3 days and gone from 20+ roll ups a day down to 3 fags a day.
Will see how I get on with the 18mg nicotine for a few weeks then reduce down to the 12mg and so on
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Can anyone give me a rough guide of what I would need to make my own 18mg liquids I’m currently vaping heisenberg bubblegum pink man rubarb & custord vampire toes all pre made I get 4 bottles for £12 but want to look into making my own liquids
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