Try going to shops like HOME BARGAINS,now they do the big 50 mg bottles now for around £4,then add your little nicotine shots into it at 75 p. So say you like a 6 mg strength liquid,you would add 2 bottles of nicotine shot,this maybe of use to willo to get his nic level down,I started high and found it far far easier to lower the strength if you liked the taste, the nicotine bottles are around 18 mg in strength,but shops all mainly keep the one bottle which is the 18 mg. A cracking taste is strawberry ice,cherry breeze ice,and Coca Cola,just found it in the big chain shops £1 bottle. I use 2 vape pens and both give totally different vape experiences,a pcckex aspire,and also the little cheap atomiser with the 2 wicks at £1 each and a little basic battery, at £3 .funny enough the little cheap boy gives you a great smoke,as it doesn’t fry the liquid and the taste is brilliant wick atomisers are everywhere at a pound,now hop over to the acrer pockex at £25 which is a longer lasting pen experience and real good mouth to throat hit and tastes very good,I’ve als bought vape pens at £125 ( real bad buy) and had the big beast tank,you didn’t refill it for 3 days and battery life was a week,but they are big and clunky,sort of carrying around a hand grenade and the battery life is not great.mine died after 6 months and they wanted a lot for brand new ones,so kept the tank and binned the rest,there is not much difference between 24 and 16 mg,the secret is getting the right flavourful hit👍keep away from tobacco flavours thats your very first goal,then find what you would enjoy a drink with,alcohol or Tea,keep to 2 favourite flavours then lower say after 2 or 3 months to 11 mg then down to 6mg and stay on 6mg,3 mg is the holy grail but I like a bit of a draw and 6 is in the low bracket.That’s how I done it,fags have long long gone,thank god. Just before I go, I seen a fella in the local shop yesterday buy a packet of benson and hedges,MY OLD FAVOURITE,the lady calmly asked him for £14 which he very gratefully handed over. Rather him than me.👍