It depends on few things on how long a coil and cotton will last.
If there's sweeteners added in the juice the coil will clog up quicker.
How much you use it
And the most obvious one the quality of wire and cotton.
Now where your stock coil would have needed replacing. You can simply remove the cotton ,clean the coil and rewick it.
Good quality coils last month's if maintained that's why handmade coils are so dear and you only get 2 or 4.
I've been using wotofo ones the last few months I'm getting at least 6 weeks using single coil and that's usually a mix of like 2 or 3 different juices going through it.
You will be able to tell when to rewick your tank the signs are the same as a stock coil.
Usually you will be to tell when to replace the actual coil you will start not getting a lot of flavour from clean and rewick.