After you've been vaping a while, probably a month to six weeks, you'll notice that you don't cough in a morning.
To those who don't smoke or vape, all smokers cough in a morning, it usually starts in the knees and it works it's way up slowly to the diaphragm, as the smoker takes in a charred lungful of air in preparation for his daily coughing fit...he draws in air slowly at first and his chest wheezing and sounds like a church organ warming up, then, when his lungs are completely full with an entire eggcup full of air, he closes his eyes to prevent them from being jettisoned across the room and he proceeds to cough uncontrollably for around five minutes, sounding like fifty early Victorian latrines being flushed, barely stopping between intake and the sputum-laden output, his eyes water, his legs are shaking like a shitting dog until eventually it subsides, and he is covered in tears and snot and then he reaches for his king size and lighter and it starts all over again.