At the moment i have a satellite dish with lnbs pointed at 28e, 19e and 13e which connects to switch which then has single cables routed to 5 rooms.
I want to upgrade my setup to work like below. For the the fbc tuner i want to basically have an enigma2 receiver with fbc tuner act as server and through xteve act as a server for plex clients around the house. For everwhere else i just want the option of connecting twin tuners if needed. I probably dont really need 2 connections on each wall but have 2 cables routed to each socket from the the attic so i have can provide signal to both i may aswell. Outside of the one room using the fbc tuner receiver the rest would use unicable comptabilble receivers, again all walls are unlikely going to have a receiver connected to them but if i can provide the signal to these sockets then i may aswell to future proof.
Can i have unicable 2 lnb's on 28e, 19e and 13e that connect to a switch that would then route cables to the walls below and be setup like below? If so what sort of switch would be needed?
Room 1 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can support fbc tuner with 8 signals from 28e (if 8 signals can be received from 19e and 13e too then great but not necessary).
Room 1 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 2 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 2 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 3 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 3 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 4 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 4 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 5 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 5 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
I want to upgrade my setup to work like below. For the the fbc tuner i want to basically have an enigma2 receiver with fbc tuner act as server and through xteve act as a server for plex clients around the house. For everwhere else i just want the option of connecting twin tuners if needed. I probably dont really need 2 connections on each wall but have 2 cables routed to each socket from the the attic so i have can provide signal to both i may aswell. Outside of the one room using the fbc tuner receiver the rest would use unicable comptabilble receivers, again all walls are unlikely going to have a receiver connected to them but if i can provide the signal to these sockets then i may aswell to future proof.
Can i have unicable 2 lnb's on 28e, 19e and 13e that connect to a switch that would then route cables to the walls below and be setup like below? If so what sort of switch would be needed?
Room 1 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can support fbc tuner with 8 signals from 28e (if 8 signals can be received from 19e and 13e too then great but not necessary).
Room 1 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 2 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 2 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 3 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 3 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 4 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 4 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 5 Wall 1: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e
Room 5 Wall 2: 2 satellite connections that can receive signal from 28e, 19e and 13e