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GrogBuild - Switch from whooshbuild to grogbuild | Techkings
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GrogBuild Switch from whooshbuild to grogbuild


Hi all, is there a guide somewhere from switching from whooshbuild to grogbuild?

If not can anyone please help me do this?

im running...
vu+ solo2
openATV 6.1
whooshbuild v10.000
WB cofig v3.000
ok so done it and it appears to have all gone fine until i get to this...

  • Step 16 : on Open ATV press the green button or on OpenVix hold down the blue button, now select EPG-Importer. Now press the Blue button and select Rytec UK Sat/Virgin XMLTV to open the options and then select each of the 6 options so each box is ticked. Press the Green button to save.
I dont have EPG importer installed? And when i go to download plugins i cant see it in the list to download?
think im there mate, found VPN manager and JEDI, just setting those up now... then just xstreamity to go
think im there mate, found VPN manager and JEDI, just setting those up now... then just xstreamity to go
once you are setup make sure you backup settings and do Full Backup to a usb or hard drive then you can always get back to working setup.
ok so done it and it appears to have all gone fine until i get to this...

  • Step 16 : on Open ATV press the green button or on OpenVix hold down the blue button, now select EPG-Importer. Now press the Blue button and select Rytec UK Sat/Virgin XMLTV to open the options and then select each of the 6 options so each box is ticked. Press the Green button to save.
I dont have EPG importer installed? And when i go to download plugins i cant see it in the list to download?
Sorry about this bit of confusion, they removed epg importer from the plugin menu by default so you need to get to it via the main menu
Sorry about this bit of confusion, they removed epg importer from the plugin menu by default so you need to get to it via the main menu
yeay openatv good at making changes and not letting you know :smiley: would not be so bad if after update they could have pop up of changes but no you need to go to about and the info in there is not great.
Open epgimporter
Seventh entry down
"Show epgimport in plugins"
Change it to yes
Then you don't need to scroll through menu after menu to access it, just press green and it's there
Thanks for the help yesterday folks... Everything all fine now apart from one issue with my EPG...

For some reason I am getting no epg data for my sly channels from my IPTV provider? Getting every other channel just not movies and sports? Same provider before reflashed and all was fine then and all fine on firestick for provider.

Do I have some setting missed somewhere?

I have all 6 UK/sat rytec and my IPTV tick box on EPG importer ticked?
yes using JEDI for my bouquets but when i check xstreamity the EPG is fine, so i know its not a source issue
In jedi config screen (before you create bouquets) make sure 'use rytek sources' is set to NO and 'use provider sources' is set to YES
Then create bouquets
Then run epg importer (with the existing sources you already have - don't change anything)
All sky sports and movies will populate
In jedi config screen (before you create bouquets) make sure 'use rytek sources' is set to NO and 'use provider sources' is set to YES
Then create bouquets
Then run epg importer (with the existing sources you already have - don't change anything)
All sky sports and movies will populate
So this worked perfect and carried on working perfect... But this weekend I have changed supplier, jedi working fine to play streams etc but it is no longer populating the EPG...

I have tried with rytec on and off... If it's on I get mainly the FTA channels but if I set to no I get no epg for anything?

Does anyone have any other suggestions please?
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