VIP Member
Have a look at post 505
Have a look at post 505
is this just for PIP boxes, or does it now bring in the relevant picon.
another thing I learnt today chabs (which is a godsend), overriding original blocky graphics that come packaged with a plugin. A good example of this is software updates. Them blocky globes really get on my nerves and don't fit in with my skin style.
If you create the same folder structure in your skin folder as in the plugins folders for example in this case the software manager (software update)
i.e SystemPlugins/SoftwareManager you can then override their old 8 bit graphics with your own pngs. (as below)
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Hi guys I have just dusted sown an old iCloud 2 box which was rotting away in the loft for six month. Would the sky q skin run on this. I am a complete newbie at this
Great, how would I check that? I haven't used in six months, old gift is still active but apart from that I'm starting from scratch and help would be greatly appreciated
Check it properly just 2 make sure because i am certain vix does not support cloud iboxes.I'm nearly certain it's vix, would that be ok?
Yeah..it should work...Will go and grab the box and power it up
---------- Post Merged at 02:22 PM ----------
Hi it's openvix
---------- Post Merged at 02:46 PM ----------
It's definitely that one, would this work?
Yes mate. Follow instructions on how to install the skin.Hi it's openvix would this be ok
Press menu on the epg screen and set number of rows to 10.Anyway to make the rpg smaller as looks big on my Zgemma vix set up![]()
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