I found a bug in the skin, When watching a recording I sometimes hold the right button to bring up the progress bar to skip straight to a certain part, this causes the box to crash and in the description it says something along the lines of ‘skyq progress bar.png not found’ can this be looked into please as I use this function quite a lot.
This is the links for mmark transparent picons 220x132 http://e2skin.blogspot.it/2013/09/picons-transparent-130x80-by-mmark.html[QUOTE = "bob63, post: 874180, membro: 160884"] Uso il pixel trasparente mmark 220x132 e i canali italiani sono ok.
La cartella "picon" si trova in media / usb (o media / mmc)
Per il grande picon nell'infobar puoi scattare una foto a tua scelta e salvarla nella cartella skyq in usr / share cambiando quella standard.
Non ricordo il nome dell'immagine standard ma è in formato png.
Questa immagine nella barra delle informazioni rimane la stessa per tutti i canali mentre il simbolo a destra cambia [/ QUOTE]
Is possible to have a link of your picon?
Thanks for this much appreciated!You need to install the progress bar.
Follow the fix post in the thread below
I had to go into hdd folder where the picons are stored and rename the slysports piconshi anyone able help on the InfoBar the large picons I have them for most channels apart from sky sports is this normal or just me
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