Hi, I'm hoping a provider may be able to help. I'm looking for a trustworthy provider who offers reseller opportunities.
Long story short, I became a reseller of a service I was using but the owner just kept putting prices up and final straw was when he pushed monthly fee up 5x what I was currently paying.
Found what I thought was a reliable supplier with an 8k panel and have been scammed after slowly moving over 120 subs - took a credit payment and disappeared and now cancelling subs as of yesterday. (I can only assume to claim the credit back onto my panel which he's blocked me from).
As of last week the original supplier cancelled all the remaining subs I had on his panel - about 40 (some with about 9months remaining on their subscription), and when I reached out to him to help sort it, said it's not his problem now, should have stayed with me!
I've found another 8k Gold panel provider, but to be honest, I'm still not completely comfortable with the situation and looking for a provider that has a solid stream for the UK, a discord/telegram chat for his/her resellers and looks at the long-game of IPTV resellers rather than thinking nicking £500 is the right strategy.
I'm fully aware of how nieve I've been on this one but learnt an expensive lesson and that's why I'm here!
If anyone fit's the bill please feel free to get in touch!
- Solid service for the UK (95% of my subs are UK based)
- Group chat for resellers
- Straighforward payment options
- can provide me my own login to panel
Happy to help prove my credentials if needed