Nick Devine
Looking for IPTV service to cover all UK and USA channels., with epg. Zgemma
Looking for Emby server to run on firestick 4k.FOR IPTV ONLY!!
Rules for sellers.
Buyers/Sellers rules.
- Never mention here, or ANYWHERE on TK that you sell (directly, or Indirectly)
- If you wish to sell IPTV servers on TechKings, you may answer any request from a member by PM ONLY!!
- Do NOT post " PM Sent, Empty your inbox, etc" the only posts are to be requests, nothing else.
- Do not react to posts using our likes feature.
- Do NOT join then look back at the list of requests then spam a members inbox. You only reply to requests made AFTER the date you join.
- Sellers PM'ing members that do not request a sub will be banned for a month.
- If a member request a sub OUTSIDE the request threads, DO NOT MAKE CONTACT WITH THEM. Don't message them telling them where to post. Pretend you didn't see them. Those that ignore this will be banned for a week.
- Don't message Admin asking for more PM space. If you haven't got it that's how it's meant to be given your user group. If you want more space you need to get involved on the forum and post more or upgrade your account to supporters.
- Post what you require, be it a Football only, Movies only, or all channels servers.
- State if you require region specific servers
- State what type of device you want it for - mag box, enigma 2, android box (KODI or Via IPTV App.)
- State if it is for smart IPTV for apps on TV
- You can request information in this thread to be given via pm (private Message) only.
- Do not discuss ANYTHING in this thread - it is a REQUEST thread only SO ASK ONLY.
- Do not post requests too often. No more that 1 request every 10 days. Wait for a reply. (If you ignore this, you may get banned from making new requests, for a undefined amount of time).
- Do not tell members not to discuss anything in here, that's the Moderator's Job.
- Please report any post that breaks any of these rules.
- Members that break these rules will be removed from seeing/posting in this thread for any amount of time (maybe permanently) at the Moderators Discretion.
We back No One!!!
We Strongly advise you not to pay for services by Paypal friends and Family, or by bank transfer, there is absolutely no come back on these two methods.
Beware of subs from "Zero posters" or "members" who haven't been on the forum for long. These users could be anyone!
I would listen to First Of All (no guarantee from TK) - VIP members. These members have been here a long time and contributed no end. We pick these by hand and not on "payments" like other Forums. You can not buy VIP here!
TK veterans - (no guarantee from TK) - Been here a while 500+ posts so more in favour of trust.
We give you the Tools BUT use your Common Sense.
Please remember to empty your inbox if you are expecting replies from this thread.
99% of Providers are Resellers so don't bother stating "NO RESELLERS" as Server Owners use resellers to promote their service !!
Read THIS thread.
Limited time offer