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PayPal security poor. | Techkings
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PayPal security poor.


Booked a film from YouTube £3.49, I do throw money away sometimes. I scanned a code on the TV not sure what or how to pay my £3.49. Soon YT said Play, Amazed , perhaps I pay later or even a free trial. Not so
Google had paid on my behalf, no password and they had been in my PayPal account.
I have changed password not saved , never. I thought Google / PayPal should have given me some notification or asked for password. I have taken steps to stop this happening again but you have to be careful.
A great 1978 film. The Great Train robbery Sean Connery, Donald Sutherland, Lesley Ann Downe.
Come on Shrewsbury
You must have allowed Google at some point to make payments via your PayPal account.
If you've bought something in the past using Google, then entered PayPal as your funding, Google will remember it for next time if you've clicked the remember details tick box.

Mine remembers my bank details if I make payment via Google.
Yeah I bought Tivimate companion few years ago and Google stored my details,
Most of my apps etc have 2 step verification, but sometimes I forget , my eBay automatic pays with PayPal, no code or password request. Must be something I have missed .
Me too , never used to do it , I must have left a box ticked whilst doing Xmas shopping , does make life easier so I haven’t bothered to see how to switch it off.
When I buy from eBay PP says getting your wallet and if its a large amount I may have to verify with phone App which is fine. A small amount usually says the amount and Pay now.
Which again is fine. I have removed Google as much as I can.

Next film , Once upon a time in the West. Used to watch it on my tablet on way to Tenerife for winter hols. I somehow managed to delete it. Not sure if I am welcome there anymore
But that's another story

thanks for replies
Did you allow one click purchases before from Google? Works pretty similar to when it's set up on amazon, you just press checkout and it had your details stored so it allows users to checkout without entering passwords
hello jigger, I need to update my thinking regarding online purchases and phone payments. I am fully aware of scam sites to the point of being over cautious perhaps.

wiemaraner95 , enjoy film Leslie-Ann was so lovely and naughty in her part. She is still going well at 70.
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