then to install each seperate file on to your box goto menu/vix/install local extention then press install button.
you will need to start your cam do this by Menu/Setup/Softcam / CI/Softcam Manager and in there if you have done everything correctly you should see CCcam 2.2.1 then press the green button to start cam.
when you get your line put this in var/etc and just overwrite the one that is there.
i would start off by installing autoboquets maker this will scan for youe channels in 90 seconds. this will be found in the plugins once installed
Hi, thanks for the useful start off points, im relatively new so need a bit more guidance please, I have the Octagon SF8, vix ver 3 image.
I have managed to install CCcam file and load this, however it comes up with an error : "SoftcamCheck :Failure instance: traceback: No such file or directory /etc/CCcam.cfg"
so from reading various posts, i have figured i need to connect the box (i have downloaded filezilla) to the laptop and transfer into the etc file.
I am stuck one i cannot connect the box to laptop using filezilla, i have input the ip adress from box, use password, and port 21, but it keeps coming up with an error: crtical error could not connect to server.
Any ideas where to go from here.?? please .. so i can basically input my cl... into the cccam
I purchased the box with the vix image installed and it has auto bouqetmaker which i think makes the epg though i havent understood this quite yet,
Many thanks for your time