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Neighbours light


TK Veteran
Guy across the road from me has a motion sensor light down the side of his house and rather than pointing down he's got it tilted so it's facing straight at my place.
That's not the issue, the issue is, it's fooked and his boiler flu steam activates the motion sensor so from teatime till bedtime then front of mine is lit up. Not that it lights up my daughter's bedroom so we're on about having to get blackout curtains it's that bad.

Last week I pulled the guy explained it to him and asked if he could just point it down so its not side and pointing straight at mine.

His response was "I'll see what I can do". I said to the missus that's the response of a guy who has no intention of doing anything.

Tbh, it's about 6ft he could easily reach up and simply spin/turn it but after a week it's the same.

If that was me and I was been asked and I didn't know I'd respond by saying "Sorry m8 or is it ? I didn't know". His response was of someone who knew and knows as he's seen it light mine up like a floodlight on a Barrets show house office every night.

Like I said I'm not asking for him to fix repair remove just physically spin it and lower it.

I'll give him a week or so and knock again but if I get no joy what's my option after that ?.
@loncell Air rifle, no only joking.
You could fight fire with fire and put a big security light up yourself and have it accidentally misaligned on purpose.
The legal route is it can be deemed a nuisance by your local authority.

Here’s some info
Lighting | MyLawyer
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i was just going to say BBgun or Catapult ....not even joking ,lol
or have a kid kick a ball, fire a stone or anything similar full whack at your 'Target' for a reward making it seem like a pure accident . 🤣
nobody will hold a kid fully accountable these days anyhow
when the bulb is replace more than once it'll be a case of ' i'll see what i can do ' it will rapidly become a pain in the butt for your neighbour and eventually the problem is no more .
its a faster solution than waiting and complaining for some overpaid pencil pusher to step in , and you will quickly become the dominant neighbour that nobody wants to enrage : )
Good luck !
Now im not suggesting you do this lol.

My Neighbour has a security light that was activated permanently he goes to Spain from September to March.

I tried to adjust the sensitivity etc that didn't work, so i smashed it put a note through the door telling him it was me and why i smashed it. Will save him money lol

Now in your case id be going over and saying its a 2 min job can we do it now a bit more forcefully .
This always brings a smile.
Can you imagine a woman doing this lol
Start the video at the six minute mark.
But watch it all for the full effect lol
I don't know why people have to be so awkward

I purchased an LED spotlight a few years ago off Amazon and it's way too bright and the boiler sets it off too, my neighbour mentioned it one day when I was collecting a parcel and I push the sensor to the other side the same day.
Guy across the road from me has a motion sensor light down the side of his house and rather than pointing down he's got it tilted so it's facing straight at my place.
That's not the issue, the issue is, it's fooked and his boiler flu steam activates the motion sensor so from teatime till bedtime then front of mine is lit up. Not that it lights up my daughter's bedroom so we're on about having to get blackout curtains it's that bad.
Ask the perv why he is shining a light into your daughter’s bedroom. That should do the trick lol
Lol... Wife spoke to him simply because she's more level headed and calmer than me, I don't think the way I'd ask him would be the same.

I don't want to fall out with people in the street so we're going to give him a week or so but like I said, it's not the light pointing it's faulty it's the length of time it comes on for which is all night. If I remember rightly it use to come on for 30 seconds , off, that's not the case anymore.

Once it goes dark and the boiler comes on thats it. The simple solution is to grab the light and point it down not side on, you don't have to be an electrician just to swivel the light downwards.
Wife's worried he won't sort it and I'll Captain Caveman it across the road club in hand which is probably the way it will end up
Just make sure your Capt. Caveman Club takes an almighty swing at his light if he is not compliant ,
if he starts to get angry why his light got smashed tell him its gonna be his knee caps that gets it if there needs to be a next time ,
and he'll find it challenging to install anymore lights with one or two broken kneecaps the filthy Perv
then finally your wife will finally rest easy knowing You are the Alpha of the Neighbourhood .!! 👍
It p*sses me off but the last time I had a run in donkeys years back with a neighbor the wokey prick phoned the Police all over his dog sh*tting on my grass every day.
Anyway, we'll see but there's one good thing, I don't need a light on going the downstairs loo
I put a pir light up in my garden on the wall of my house so I could see my way to the garage
The neighbours facing said it was activating all night disturbing the sleeping children in the bedrooms facing our house
I said no problem and moved it above the garage door facing our back door problem sorted
I put a pir light up in my garden on the wall of my house so I could see my way to the garage
The neighbours facing said it was activating all night disturbing the sleeping children in the bedrooms facing our house
I said no problem and moved it above the garage door facing our back door problem sorted
Put a light up and shine it directly at his house he will soon get the message.
That's a full on UFO Light is ET Coming to Visit us again ?? :fearscream:
WTF Was that Idiot thinking ??
why would anyone need that much of a bright light has he no hand held torch to use instead ??
The wife will likely suggest the Black out Curtains without confrontation .... but personally speaking i'd go the BB gun route its time this IDIOT found out that once again you are the Alpha in the neighbourhood and nobody messes with the ALPHA .
it'll cost him a few Bulbs but eventually he'll see moving the Spotlight is the only solution ...😆
That's a full on UFO Light is ET Coming to Visit us again ?? :fearscream:
WTF Was that Idiot thinking ??
why would anyone need that much of a bright light has he no hand held torch to use instead ??
The wife will likely suggest the Black out Curtains without confrontation .... but personally speaking i'd go the BB gun route its time this IDIOT found out that once again you are the Alpha in the neighbourhood and nobody messes with the ALPHA .
it'll cost him a few Bulbs but eventually he'll see moving the Spotlight is the only solution ...😆
Waste of time and effort.
He wants confrontation, that's why he's doing what he's doing.
Popping his lights and shouting at him is what he wants.
Don't do any of that.
By verifying yourself as the "light dude" he already knows anything coming from that direction is you.
Be creative.
Nothing to do with the light, I assume he has a car, a bin and a letterbox
Got up this morning and it was on even though it was coming light. The most annoying part is, it shines straight through the window into my living room then onto the TV so I have to leave the curtains closed till it goes off.

Yeah he's after a rise from me for sure. In my heyday that light would have been gone by now but as you get older you want less confrontation and just people to act normal and understand.

The wife said give him till next week plenty time sort it then she'll knock and speak with his partner then, if that don't work my she said your turn.

As for BB gun ?, Jesus Christ I'd have been on the Olympic pistol team get that from here.
If its a council or housing association property he lives in report it to local authorities they should write or go out and see then they will take action for him to move it or vice versa if you reported it.
I had similar issue with my neighbour as we have a light on front and side and back of house she spoke to us over fence and gladly agreed to change the light to a lower wattage one and pointed it downwards.
Not everyone has the same morals hopefully gets sorted bud
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