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Mag issue | Techkings

Mag issue

I'm severely disabled with MND & use eyegaze, I use a mag box with my current supplier. I've been with him 10 years & he's always been great. He's now selling formula boxes, I've tried other boxes but they are hard to navigate.
My question is, could he be doing stuff to the mag boxes because they stop working every day? Thanks
What do you mean "stop working every day"?
if you are lucky enough to have a supplier that still deals with Mag boxes, you are doing well. I have heard of more and more suppliers refusing to give out the URL for inputting to the box.
have you asked your supplier? It is unlikely that whoever supplies you is the big boss man, so (in my opinion) he shouldn't be able to do anything against MAG boxes specifically.
He would, however be able to stop your specific line, but that would seem petty in the extreme to me.
the thing with mags is only the newer models will handle newer codec that providers are starting to use also the older models are not been touched as they only support hevc264 where newer codec is hevc265.
Any provider/seller can say they are moving away from mags and to go down the formuler route the buzz route chromecast Mekol as some are newer and handle all codecs.
The thing with mac based subs is that they can easily be scanned and shared online freely which makes a lot more work to be done to prevent it happening.
In what way do you mean stopping working every day do you mean like you get audio on certain channels but no video or you get a constant black screen on all channels.
Some devices are easy to use and some can be a little difficult to some up until you get used the remote and understand the features etc.
The formuler is easier to navigate than Mag in my opinion. So much faster and better. Have you tried it out? You might find you like it a lot more. I know I did.
Stopping every day or has it just started since football season , with magbox you cannot install vpn unless you invest in a decent router. Cheaper investing in another streaming device.
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