chris noon
Easy Blizzard17.
Download the m3u file onto your PC desktop.
Download echanneliser. Watch a couple of videos on youtube which give you easy instructions.
In echanneliser, the first thing you need to do is link your box (with its individual IP address) with the program. Read the information from your box by right clicking your mouse and open it (again, follow the youtube vid)
You will then see your individual bouquets appear once you have opened your box (within the 'Profile' section of echanneliser). Click onto your bouquet list.
Right click your mouse to add a new bouquet at the top of all your existing bouquets naming it 'IPTV' (should be in the form of a + icon in a circle). Then open it and you will see it blank.
Right click on your mouse. Scroll down to 'import m3u'. Clock onto 'Playlist' (not 'tracks' in this case). This will then open up your PC desktop. Look and click onto your m3u file and within seconds, all your channels should appear within your newly created 'IPTV' bouquet.
If they all appear, make sure you then go to the top right side of echanneliser and click onto the upward arrow icon as this will 'Write' your changes. Give it a minute or so to update your new IPTV bouquet from echanneliser onto your box. If you fail to do this, you won't save your bouquet and it will therefore not end up being transferred onto your box.
When you close/exit echanneliser, it will ask you if you want to save your work. I always say no. I said yes once and all my individual bouquet files ended up taking over my desktop! If you do opt to save your bouquets, I would suggest that you create a folder on your desktop first. Then atleast, once you save what you have done, all your individual bouquets will end up in just the one newly created folder. Personally though, I no longer bother as once you have written the changes or editions to your bouquets, they stay on your box without the need to save.
As for then adding an EPG, again use echanneliser. Watch a couple of very good videos again on youtube to assist you, but if you want help in this, don't be afraid to ask. I have had hours of fun setting up my own IPTV EPG!!! My provider supplied an EPG but I simply couldn't figure it out, so I ended up doing it myself. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
Download the m3u file onto your PC desktop.
Download echanneliser. Watch a couple of videos on youtube which give you easy instructions.
In echanneliser, the first thing you need to do is link your box (with its individual IP address) with the program. Read the information from your box by right clicking your mouse and open it (again, follow the youtube vid)
You will then see your individual bouquets appear once you have opened your box (within the 'Profile' section of echanneliser). Click onto your bouquet list.
Right click your mouse to add a new bouquet at the top of all your existing bouquets naming it 'IPTV' (should be in the form of a + icon in a circle). Then open it and you will see it blank.
Right click on your mouse. Scroll down to 'import m3u'. Clock onto 'Playlist' (not 'tracks' in this case). This will then open up your PC desktop. Look and click onto your m3u file and within seconds, all your channels should appear within your newly created 'IPTV' bouquet.
If they all appear, make sure you then go to the top right side of echanneliser and click onto the upward arrow icon as this will 'Write' your changes. Give it a minute or so to update your new IPTV bouquet from echanneliser onto your box. If you fail to do this, you won't save your bouquet and it will therefore not end up being transferred onto your box.
When you close/exit echanneliser, it will ask you if you want to save your work. I always say no. I said yes once and all my individual bouquet files ended up taking over my desktop! If you do opt to save your bouquets, I would suggest that you create a folder on your desktop first. Then atleast, once you save what you have done, all your individual bouquets will end up in just the one newly created folder. Personally though, I no longer bother as once you have written the changes or editions to your bouquets, they stay on your box without the need to save.
As for then adding an EPG, again use echanneliser. Watch a couple of very good videos again on youtube to assist you, but if you want help in this, don't be afraid to ask. I have had hours of fun setting up my own IPTV EPG!!! My provider supplied an EPG but I simply couldn't figure it out, so I ended up doing it myself. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk